chapters 42-43

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Cassandra's P.O.V.
    After my Florida concert, we prepared to go to my next concert in Arizona.

"It'll take a couple weeks to get to Arizona with all the stops we have to make." James commented.  

"Yeah." I replied. I had to stop at a bunch of places along the way. Our animals were waiting in the bus. My cats Tom, Missy, Grey, and Princess. Then, Lydia's dog Leroy was lounging on the couch. They all got along great, unlike most cats and dogs. Leroy was very gentle. We had decided to bring the animals with us instead of leaving them at home. We just didn't want them to be lonely and have to pay someone else to take care of them.

The way it worked on the bus is that Lydia and I share a room and James slept on the couch. George would drive the bus and Ray would drive the other bus with the band in it until we got to our private jet.. When we get on that, there will be more then enough room for everyone. Until then, we have to take two buses. Where did George sleep? He slept near the door in a sleeping bag. I asked him if he minded but, of course, he doesn't mind. So polite. Thats what I love most about him. He just goes with the flow.

So we all got ready for bed. Marlene looked out her window at me and I could see her clearly because the buses were pulled close together, that way, we wouldn't loose track of each other.

"Goodnight Cass. You did amazing tonight." Marlene called out the open window to me. Maria came up behind her and said,

"Yes, you did do amazing. Love you girl. Night." Maria said with a wife smile. She was always complimenting people.

"Thanks so much girls. You do an amazing job too. Goodnight." Then, I walked away from the small window and to my part of the small room.

"Goodnight Lydia." I said as Lydia said goodnight to James at the door of our room.

"Goodnight Cassie. Goodnight James." She kissed James goodnight.

"Goodnight Lydia, Cassie." He said as he closed the door.

"Lydia, do you feel ok? You look pale." I commented as she got into bed.

"I'm fine. Just tired I guess." She replied as she turned off the lamp.

We talked about books for awhile. In the corner were four boxes of of books in it with about fifty books in each box. All of those books were copies of some of Lydia's books. I was going to throw a couple books out at each concert until I ran out of them. It was sort of a support thing for Lydia. I was always wanting to help her feel loved and supported by my fans.

As I laid in bed, I thought about John. Was he ok? My phone beeped on the small nightstand in between mine and Lydia's beds. I picked it up and slowly scrolled to my texts.

There was a text from John. The text read "I love you. Goodnight babe"

"Love you too baby" I typed and hit send. I pulled the covers up to my chin and tried to sleep but I was so restless. Lydia was already sound asleep. I tossed and turned for the longest time before finally drifting off to sleep.

Loosing it
Cassandra's P.O.V.
    The next morning, I woke up to Grey and Princess scratching around my feet and Leroy at the foot of Lydia's bed.  Tom and Missy were on the floor but Lydia wasn't in bed. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, I pulled on a robe and tied it loosely around my waist.

She's probably with James. I thought.

I got dressed and went out to the living room. I was right. She was with James. Lydia and James were on the couch. They were lovingly looking into each other's eyes, she was snuggled against his chest and he had a hand resting on her back.

I felt a small twinge of jealousy. Wow, way for them to rub it in. They at least have each other. John is at war.

"Good morning Cassandra." James said with a smile in my direction. I stared at him. Why was he being so nice?

"Cassie, what's wrong?" Lydia asked as she dropped James hand, a concerned look on her face. She reached out to touch my hand.

I pounced back "don't touch me!" I cried out. Sometimes, I have no patience for Lydia.

"Cassandra, what happened?" James asked softly. At least, most of the time, he was always patient.

"Nothing happened. Just leave me alone!" I muttered and headed back to the bedroom.

Then I burst into tears and collapsed into my bed. I snapped. Lydia as always so good!

"Miss goody two shoes Lydia has everything!" I sobbed out loud.

To me, it was true. A few minutes later, I felt the bus stop and I heard Ray and James voices. Then, the door to my bedroom opened and the motors started again.

"Cassandra, it's going to be ok." James said as he sat on the edge of my bed.

"No it isn't ok! It's not ok that John isn't here! That Lydia gets everything she wants! It's not ok that John's overseas while I'm pregnant!" I cried out.

I knew I would loose it one of these days due to the stress of pregnancy and being famous and I think this is the day.

"It'll be alright. Cheer up." James said, trying to make me feel better.

"Yeah. Cheer up." Lydia said from the doorway. Shut up Lydia!

"Can it Lydia!" I yelled "you are soooo spoiled and get everything you want!" I wasn't thinking about the words I said, they just came out, lash after lash.

I was furious. I was hoping that my mood would be gone but Lydia sounds like such a goody goody. Lydia's eyes filled with tears and she slowly walked out of the room with James.

He put an arm around her and kissed her cheek.

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