Chapters 59-60

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Leroy found and baby sick
Lydia's P.O.V.
I rushed to the receptionist at the counter of the emergency area and said, "my baby is sick! What's wrong with her? I need to see a doctor!" I said frantically.
"Alright, go to room eight. The doctor will be with you in a moment but in the meantime, you need to fill out some paperwork." The receptionist, whose name tag read Marcy, said as she handed me a clipboard.

I turned to James and handed him the clipboard. Then, Cassandra and I rushed to room eight.
Emma was still sleeping but she was very very pale. I didn't cry but I wanted to. Then, Doctor Michael Water came in. Behind him was a Saint Bernard. It was Leroy!
"Oh my goodness you found my dog!" I cried, trying not to shout. Then, I became more serious and held Emma out. "This is Emma. She is so pale. I don't know what's wrong with her. Thanks so much for finding Leroy."
"Hmmm, I will take a look at Emma here. You are Lydia Vilandi aren't you?" He asked. I nodded politely as he continued. "Well, this dog has been a major help here keeping patients company. I found him on a road near the boarder of Texas."
Cassandra laughed, then took hold of Leroy's  collar. "I'll take him to the bus." She said, then room Leroy from the room.
Dr. Michael laughed. "It's not every day someone famous comes to this hospital. Er, two famous people that is."

Then, he began to examine Emma who was awake and beginning to cry. After a few minutes, Dr. Michael looked up and said "I've seen this before. Emma's navel passages didn't form right. It's mostly caused by falls of a mother while pregnant with the baby." He explained.

"What can you do about it?" I asked.

"Well, you can get certain pills to help it or we could do a small operation to put in a few things." The doctor explained.

"Let's try the pills. I'm only driving through here. Jessandra is on her tour and I'm joining her so let's just try the pills."

No operation. No. Not this young.

Just then, James and Cassandra came in followed by Ray, Maria, Marlene, and Jason. They all looked concerned and I felt extremely worried.

"What happened?" Marlene asked.

"Is Emma going to be ok?" Jason wanted to know.

"Yeah. We have to give her some pills but it should be fine. Since she can't swallow them yet, I am going to mix them into her milk bottle." I said, not really wanting to talk about it with the band.

"Oh, well she'll get better soon. If you and James wanna go out for awhile, Maria would be happy to watch Emma." Marlene said.

Then, Cassandra led the band out of the room. James, Ray, and I were left in the room with baby Emma in my arms.

Inside, I was happy because Leroy was found but a little upset because Emma was sick.

She's not getting better!
Lydia's P.O.V.
After we left the hospital, we spent a few days in Bluewater Acres since the only concert Jessandra had to do was in Santa Fe. So after we got back to the bus and Emma was asleep, Cassandra and I sat on the couch while James sat on a stool and George on the drivers seat to talk about Emma.
"Well, I think she'll be okay after a couple days or a few weeks. Let's hope the pills will work." James said with a reassuring hug to me.
"I know it was the fall! I know it! Doctor Wallace said it might effect the baby and it did!" I wailed.
"But it probably won't last forever. It will be alright. I promise." Cassandra softly reassured me. I smiled. I smiled a little bit as I watched her get better. I had told everyone not to tell a soul and with Emma getting better, everyone was in really good moods. I sat outside holding Emma. She was seven pounds and eight ounces when she was born. She is, for the most part, very healthy and happy. I am so glad she is born for two reasons: one, I can sleep with it little feet kicking my stomach and two, her smile is friendly and bright and her green eyes are happy and playful.
George came and sat down next to me. He hadn't held the baby and I asked if he would like to and he shyly nodded. I handed Emma to George and he held her with great care. After awhile, he said he best be off. He thanked me and walked off. Probably to go on a walk for a little while. I was surprised on how well George took care of Emma. I didn't know much about George except that he wasn't married.
After an hour of relaxing and playing with Emma, I went inside. James and Jason were playing video games.
"Hey honey." James called before blowing Jason up. He holds out his arms and I place Emma in them.
"Dude, we're playing call of duty. Babies don't play games like this." Jason remarks. Shut up Jason. Not helping.
"Well, there's a first for everything." James hands Emma the remote and she starts to chew on it. James yanks it away, causing a scratch to appear on her cheek.
"James?!" I rush over and snatch her from James arms.
"Cool, she has her first battle scar." Jason said. Dope.
"No, not cool. If you cared about your daughter rather then a stupid video console, we wouldn't be in this mess." I rush to the room with Leroy behind me. Leroy jumps on my head and curls up on the blanket. I place Emma down gently next to him and he licks her small pink face. She giggles and so falls asleep. Cassandra comes in and we dress Emma in different clothes. Then, night comes and we all fell asleep.

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