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A/N Thank you @KatieWeasly3994  for this request! Enjoy!

RED ALERT RED ALERT. You rush down the hall to get to the sick bay as you heard the blaring sound of the Red Alert. The only time we ever got a Red Alert is only when something really serious happened, you thought to yourself as you quickly ran down the hallway.

Just then, you see a man with curly hair in a yellow shirt walking to you. Then there is a loud BOOM sound as the ship suddenly jerks froward. You & him crash into each other & you land on his chest on top of him on the floor. "Oh, I'm so sorry Pavel" you mutter as you blush like mad & quickly get off of him . "Uh, that iz fine Y/N. It vas a accident." he tells you in his thick Russian accent.

You could not believe that you were on Pavel Chekov's chest on the Enterprise floor right then, even if it was a accident! You've had a secret crush on him for months but you never knew how to tell him because you didn't know if he liked you in the same way.

"I-I have to go now to report to sick bay." you stutter as you walk pass him before he could see you blush any redder. You enter sick bay just when Dr.McCoy is shouting out orders & nurses are rushing about to help the many injured from engineering. As you start to help you ask him what happened.

"I'll tell ya what happened! The d*mn Klingon attacked the ship down in engineering & now we have to deal with the injured while up on the bridge they fight them!" he told you as he went over to get more bandages. "Wow, that's why we having a Red Alert." you say out loud.

( At Engineering After The Attack )

"Scotty, how is it in engineering?" Jim asks him through the com. As Scotty was getting to the com  to answer him, he was trying to fan the smoke from his face & see where it was. "Ay, it's not doing so good Captain," he tells him once he found it. "Mostly everything that is damaged, I can fix it," he continues. "Except the Warp core, a part of the Dilithium crystals it is beyond repairs. We would need a new part." "Ugh. So unless we get that new part, we're not going anywhere." said Jim.

"Commander Spock, Admiral Pavel Chekov, Doctor McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Nurse Y/N Y/L/N, Lieutenant Smith, Seybert, & John report to the Transporter room." The Captains voice rang through the ship on announcements.   

( Awhile Later At The Transporter Room )

Once everyone was in there the Captain started to tell them what happened. "After careful research it seems that the crystals we need are on a dangerous planet in the only cave to the south. Even if the computer shows it is uninhabited, it can still be dangerous because we have never set foot on this planet & are unknow to what is there." Jim says as all of you get on the Transporter.

You are standing next to Pavel, you look at him to see if he's nervous because you sure are! As look, he looks at you at the same time. "Are you nervous?" he asks you in a whisper. "Yeah kinda, what about you?" you whisper back. "Wery, It iz my first time on a real mission."

Then Nyota leans to you & whispers, "How are you two lovers doing?" You look at her with wide eyes. "What are you talking about?" you ask her puzzled. "Oh, you know what I'm talking about. Mostly everyone knows about you two, I wasn't sure until I saw that "accident" when the ship jerked." Immediately you start to blush. You never thought anyone knew about it, or did you?

As you were thinking a familiar sound & color of blue swirled around you. Next thing you know your on the planet! You look around, but to only find Pavel there. "Where are the rest?" you ask him.

"I don't know, but I vill find out." he tells you as he gets his communicator out. Besides the static, you could hear Jim's voice, but just to make out that he said something about the Transporter not working & is getting fixed so to carry out the mission. 

Pavel closes it & gets his phaser out & sets it to stun. You do the same with yours.  "Vell, at least ve have veapons." he says. "Didn't he say it was in a cave some where?" you ask him as you both start to walk. "Yes, ze only one in ze south." he tells you. You look at the planet, it seemed just to be made up of rocks & huge flower like plants. After walking & looking around you finally find it. "Let's go, & stay close." he says as you both enter the dark cave, thankfully you have a glowing rock that Pavel phasered to light up the cave.

Suddenly you see something move by the corner of your eye. You look, but nothing is there except a few rocks & plants. You shake your head & keep following Pavel. "I think I see them." you tell him as you squint to look ahead. You saw a glow that the crystals provide.

Before you go over there, something else moved, but it was nearer then before. "I don't think we're alone." you say as you sent your phaser to kill. "Are you sure Y/N?" he ask you as he looks around. "Positive." Just as the words came out of your mouth, a unknow gremlin like creature jumped out & climbed the walls & jumped at you with a dagger!

"Y/N! Look out!" you heard Pavel yell as he pushed you out of the way. You were on your side on the floor, got your phaser out & shot it before it could get away. It screamed in agony & fell off of him.

Then you turned your attention to Pavel, "Are you all right?!" he looked down at his chest where the dagger got him, then he looked at you before collapsing. "Pavel!" you scream as you go to him on the floor. He was so pale. You get you medical bag out & look through it & get a wash cloth for his face because he had a bit of blood by his forehead. Then you pick up the dagger from the floor & immediately know what it is.

It's a old poisonous dagger from the Klingons, that thing must have found it & kept it ever since. You were on the verge of tears as you went through the medicines. The first symptom was paleness, then unconsciousness, then sweating, then the final, death. When you found the right medicine cream you placed it down & lifted up his shirt in order to see his wounds.

You quickly applied the cream on the wounds, he was sweating now. After the cream you went back to the face. "Pavel! Can you hear me Pavel?" you ask. "Yes." he replies weakly. You try to keep the tears back, but fail. "Don't worry Pavel, you're going to make it." you cry. He smiles weakly at you.

"Don't cry Y/N." he tells you, his voice even weaker. Was the medicine working? Did you you get the medicine? You didn't know. "I'm crying because I love you & I don't want you to die." you blurt out.

He looks at you & smiles as wide as he can. "Do you veally?" "Yes. I do." you say to him. He wipes away your tears & tells you, "I do too Y/N, I just thought that you thought of me as just a friend." "Really? I thought the same thing." you say as you look at him.

He looks better every minute you say to yourself as he sits up. You help him up to stand, then he kisses you. You're taken a bit by surprise, but it passes as you kiss him back harder.

Once you break he says to you with a grin on his face, "Ve should probable get the crystals & head back." "Yeah that's go." you say as you pick one up. You both walk out of the cave with holding hands, open your communicator & together say, "Beam us up Scotty." 

I hope you guys liked this! Please vote, comment & follow! :)       


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