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It was a warm spring day, even though it wasn't spring yet, that didn't mean that it wouldn't feel like it at times for you. You felt the sun on your face as you walked out of you & your husband's house onto the sidewalk where you picked up the newspaper you got that morning. You then walked back in & lazily sat down on your couch reading & going through the newspaper.

Nothing but adds, that said buy this! NEW! Get it while it last! But once you got to the real part of the newspaper you saw that on the front page there was something going on in your town about a town wide tag sale. You quickly turned to page A8 for more details.

This is what it said. 'Come one, come all to the town wide tag sale in Y/N/T (Your next town). Starts today at 1:00 & goes till 5:00. Wonderful deals on old & new trinkets. The whole town is getting into it. Get sales, great people. Nothing is better then this to spend your day.'

You smiled as you grabbed that article & ran to the garage. Also know to you as you call it. Your husband, Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott's play place. He always brought something back from work that he had to fix or make, & he would bring it in the garage & tinker with it like a happy child.

Well, what did you expect from a Chief Engineering Officer? You knocked on the door four times. Then you pressed your ear to the door to hear for his voice. Nothing but mechanical sounds. "Scotty! Can I come in?" you yelled through the door. You huffed & opened the door.

As soon as you opened the door, you heard a voice say, "Get down!" then a strong figure tackled you to the ground as a small explosion was heard in the back. You tilted your head up from the floor to look at what push you down. Of course it was your ever loving mechanic crazy husband, Scotty, that had 'saved you' from the explosion. "What was that Scotty? Are you trying to blow the garage up?" you asked him as he helped you up by grabbing your hands.

Once you were faced to face, you then saw something like black coal on his face starting from the nose spreading across the face like he was in a cartoon when that happened. He rubbed the back of his neck embarrassingly & started to explain what happened, but before he could finish, you interrupted him. "In English for the non-mechanical wife please." At first he mumbled.

"What?" Then he spoke up some. "I disconnected the wrong wire." You couldn't help but laugh. He looked at you & gave you stink eye. "It's not that funny lassie!" You shook your head & told him. "No no no. It is. What's funny is that it's just a small thing. Nothing to be embarrassed about."

"It is for me Y/N. What would happen if the laddies at Engineering knew?" he asked looking down. You kissed his forehead & immediately regretting it once you got a taste of that fowl black stuff on his forehead. You wiped it off your lips & whispered to him, "Then we'll just have to keep this our little secret then, won't we?" He smiled. "Ay, ye're right Y/N."

You went to kiss you back, but you stopped him with your hand. "First, wash your face, then come so I can tell you something!" you told him as you pointed to the bathroom down the hall. He pouted his mouth kidding like a small child being told to go in the corner. You giggled as you searched the floor for the newspaper that was once in your hands before that scenario happened.

As soon as you found it under the table, Scotty came back with a clean face. You stood up with the newspaper in your hand & showed the tag sale part. After he was done reading, he looked at you. "Is this whut ye want to do today?" You nodded your head up & down. You started to state some of the facts that would help you. "It's a great day to do it, it would be a nice chance to get out of the house for some fresh air, & to get you out of that stuffy garage you've been in all morning."

He tapped his chin as he pretended to think. "Only, if I get to kiss you now." he said with a smirk. You returned the his smirk with your own. "You may kiss me now that you are not filthy." you said in your best noblewoman voice. He spun you around by your hand like a ballerina, then kissed. After that romantic moment, you grabbed some bags from the closet, your purse, as Scotty grabbed his wallet & keys. Soon enough, everything was ready & you were on your way.

( At And In The Town )

Once Scotty pulled up in a parking space by a 7-eleven & parked, Both of you got out & looked around. It was one of those towns that it was big, but small enough that some people knew who other people. Or something like that. You & Scotty held hands as you looked at all the different trinkets on the tables. There was old Nancy Drew books, cute little porcelain ornaments, but what got Scotty's attention was the neighbors that had various antique car parts.

You shook your head & chuckled. Only he would find something like that. You bought a few of your favorite books you found & kept looking. After many other hours of browsing, getting some slurpees at 7-eleven, Then you found something really spectacular. I was a cardboard cut out of the T.A.R.D.I.S.! Except for a few scratches here or there,it was in mint condition.

You tried not to fangirl too much until you saw the price. Since it was close to the end, it was half price now. Only 5 dollars! Who would believe that? You quickly buy it & walk over to Scotty. He looked at you with a surprised face. "Are ye ready to go? And whut is that?" You just grinned & linked arms with him. You would have to let him watch it to understand. Good thing you own the series.

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