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You were walking down the halls of the Enterprise, minding your own business as you figured out what to do with yourself. You had bothered almost everyone in the Starship & had been kicked out of every crews room. All except one—Leonard McCoy aka Grumpy Bones. You were saving him for last since you enjoyed spending time with him & wanted to spend the rest of your day with him. 

You got into the turbo-lift & pushed a button to head down to the sick bay. Leonard would most likely be there. Strolling out of the turbo-lift, you realized that you were right. Leonard was sitting on a stool by one of the sick bay work tables. He was mixing some colorful chemicals with each other & observing how they reacted with each other. You knocked on the sick bay door to let him know that you were entering.

"Oh hey there Y/N." Leonard smiled at you.

You froze in your spot, eyes wide.

Leonard.....his voice was raspy & deep. Although it sounded hoarse like he was sick, it was incredibly sexy. You felt your cheeks grow warm just from hearing it. You ran a hand nervously through your Y/C hair, now feeling self conscious about what you looked like. Your outfit was simple with green shorts and a Y/F/C tank top. Still strangely enough you felt like you should have worn something more to catch the doctor's attention....or would it be less?

Nonetheless, you had a crush on the doctor & now with that suddenly developed sexy voice of his, you weren't sure what you were going to do.

You nervously sat down next to him. Your hands were in your lap as you rubbed your wrists & looked at the stuff he was working on. Now you had no idea what his notes said but it gave you something to look at. You were positive that if you snuck a glance at Leonard, your face would become beet red from embarrassment.

"So um," You cleared your throat timidly. "Is there, uh, a reason why your voice is so deep?"

"Oh," He cleared his throat. "I'm a little sick that's why. Funny huh?"

You nodded, thinking that him clearing his throat didn't help at all. It only made his voice sound smoother like chocolate. A small shiver of pleasure went down your spine when you heard Leonard start to sing one of his favorite country songs underneath his breath while he worked. You fiddled with a sort of container on the table, really wanting to hear Leonard continue to speak.

"Hey are ya okay?" He asked curiously. "Ya're acting really on edge today."

"I-It's nothing!" You squeaked, covering your red face with your hands. Oh my word! Sexy deep voice with southern accent? It was to much for you.

Leonard looked at you for a long time. He squinted his eyes at you as he continued to stare making you really uncomfortable. You could just see the little gears in his mind working. If only you were a mind reader so you could know what he was thinking about. It felt like the two of you were awkwardly staring at each other for over minutes now. Then out of nowhere, a sly smile made its way onto Leonard's lips. You grew nervous. That type of smile didn't look good.

He grinned & then slid his stool so that he was sitting behind you. Your eyes darted left & right, trying to figure out if you should run or stay put. Every thought that was in your mind soon vanished as Leonard blew softly near your ear, making you jump in your seat.

"L-Leonard...?" You looked at him confused.

He slid closer to you so that his chest was pressed up against your back. His hand glided across your shoulders as he pushed your hair away from your ears. He leaned in, his lips just inches away from you. In a husky whisper he said, "Y/ voice is turning ya on, isn't it?"

"W-What?!" You squeaked, face turning an even darker shade of red since he was right. Leonard's deep voice made you grow nervous & only made your crush on him grow as well. "N-No way!" Still you weren't about to tell him that.

He chuckled, his laugh making him sound even hotter. He leaned in more, his breath tickling your neck. You moved your head to the side, subconsciously allowing him more access to your neck. Leonard then pressed his lips softly against your neck, giving you butterfly kisses. A mixture of a whimper & a moan escaped your lips despite how much you didn't want it to.

Leonard had heard it, & with that, it did not help his crush for you anymore then it did you for him. Slowly he wrapped his arms around your waist & moved you so that you were sitting on his lap.

You gasped surprised at how quickly things were going but in reality, you had no problem with it. He then kissed your lips, nibbling on your bottom lip gently before his skilled tongue made its way into your mouth. He ran his fingers through your hair as he continued to kiss you.

You really hoped that no one entered the sick bay at this moment because this situation would be awkward to explain. You moved so that it would be easier to kiss him, both of you coaxing each other's tongues. He pulled away, a smirk on his lips.

"Been wanting to do that for a while," He said in a husky voice. "Now, I was so right before wasn't I?"

"Curse you, Leonard" You pouted. "It's not my fault I have a weakness for sexy guys with hot voices." With a huff you got off his lap. "And you-you."

You quickly left the sick bay, trying not to look back at Leonard since you knew that if you did, you'd just end up crawling right back to him. Leonard watched as you left the sick bay with an amused smile on his lips.


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A/N AAAAHHH. I don't know why I'm making Bones so,so, THIS. ehehehehehehe. 

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