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A/N Thank you BroadwayFan for this request! Enjoy! 

Jim was spinning slowly in his Captain's chair to entertain himself out of boredom. You were at your station on the bridge sitting across from Spock. You weren't as bored as Jim just because they were charting planets. But of course with him he likes an adventure & you guess you can't get much out of that on this trip. You were setting the coordinates, Chekov & Sulu were controlling the ships steering, Uhura was listening for radio transmissions, Scotty was down in engineering, McCoy was in sickbay, & Spock was charting the planets. All that while Jim Kirk was bored & spinning.

Still spinning in his chair, he asked Spock, "Mr. Spock, how many more planets do we need to chart?" "The amount of planets left needed Captain is 21." Spock answers. Jim tried not to laugh at that part of the sentence. Spock raised his right brow. "Is there something that is amusing to you Captain?"

"He he, no..." he tells him. But you knew what it was. It was a stupid thing they do on a youtube channel called vine. You roll your eyes at Jim & quickly explain to Spock what happened. He thanks you for you explanation & turns his attention back to the Captain. "Captain, if you stay in the motion of a circle for a long period of time for any longer, you will have succeed in getting motion sickness."

"Zat is ze truth." Chekov says, agreeing with Spock. Jim stopped abruptly & muttered to himself, "Truth, truth, truth..." Then shouts, "YES! TRUTH OR DARE!" He scares the crap out of you & the rest of the crew, all except Spock of course. Jim hits the com button & tells McCoy & Scotty to get up there. It was only a short while later when they came up.

"What is it Jim?" McCoy asks him grumpily. "We are going to play truth or dare." he answers him smiling. "I think all that spinning finally went to his head." Sulu whispers.

"Not of spinning Sulu, the boredom did. Plus it would pass the time while we chart planets." he explained to him. "I think that would be fun, beats me having to keep nagging at Keenser." Scotty said, agreeing with him & sitting down. "Ugh. Fine then." McCoy mumbles in agreement.

"Great! Bones, truth or dare?" Jim asks him grinning. "D*mit Jim, you better not make me do something stupid." "What?! Me? Never." he tells him innocently. "Dare." "I dare you to grab your P.A.D.D. close your eyes & send a blind text to a random person." McCoy grabs his P.A.D.D closes his eyes & gets to work. Not only two minutes after does he do that, Admiral Pike appears on the center screen. "Why is it that I have a message from Dr. McCoy saying, 'I can't pee. Whoevr thos us, it wes Jom kurk fult. Dame hin.'?" You try to hold back a laugh, but fail when you see McCoy's face. His jaw dropped & his face was red. The rest of the crew was laughing just the same.

The only person you could talk was Spock. "The Captain insisted that we participate in his game of 'Truth or dare' sir." Spock explained while smirking. "Ah, okay then. Good luck with that & carry on." he tells them, giving McCoy a strange look before he leaves.

"That was terrible. Okay Uhura, truth or dare?" McCoy asks her, trying to get off that subject. "Ah, truth." she told him, still wiping tears away. "Okay, if you were trapped on an island for 3 days, what 3 things would you take with you?" Uhura leans on her hands & thinks for a bit, then answers.

"Well that's pretty easy, food, water, & clothes. Now, Pavel," He looks toward her. She continues with a smile. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to go to someone random & ask them for a hug." He stands up, walks over towards you, & asks. "Sure thing Pavel." you say, as you stand up & hug him. Over his shoulder, you see Spock, what seems to be some sort of glare, but quickly changes back to his regular stare.

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