
673 23 41

Thank you libbiliboo for this request! Enjoy!

It was a wonderful day on the Enterprise. If there were birds in space, they would be singing, & of course the sun is always shining. You were on your way to meet up with your boyfriend, of 2 years, after his shift was over.

He said he had a surprise in store for you. He told you to meet him in his room & if he wasn't there, he would soon be.

You skipped over into his room, sat on the bed, & started waiting. Soon enough, James T. Kirk, entered in with a huge grin on his face.

You returned his grin with your own as you approached him. "Hi Jim." you greeted him. But instead of saying a hello, he kissed you hard on the lips.

First you were surprised, but then soon hummed in satisfaction. "Now for the surprise I have for you!" he whispered after he broke the kiss.

"OH, you mean that wasn't the surprise?" you tease. He winks at you. "Not quite, but that was nice."

You laughed a little as he moved your hands over your own eyes. "Now, keep them shut you hear?" he tells you. "Sir, yes Sir! you answer playfully.

Hearing shuffling around you, perks your interest of what was going to happen next. "Alright, not you can look." he says. Slowly, you lift your hands away from your eyes & look. They quickly go to your mouth.

Jim was there, kneeling in front of you with a beautiful diamond ring in a little red velvet box, placed in the palms of his hands.

"Y/N, your are the most loving girlfriend a man could ask for. But today I want to change that. Y/N Y/L/N, will you be my loving wife?"

Starting to cry, you shook your head 'Yes'. He had a little bit of tears in his eyes also as he gently placed the ring on your finger.

Crying more of happiness, you hug your soon to be husband as he hugs you back with another kiss. It was like a dream come true. You looked a the ring & saw it had two small Y/F/G along with the diamond.

For that one moment, everything was perfect. Until the starship shook & the red alarm started going crazy. Jim looked at you before he quickly said, "Sorry Y/N, I have to go." Dashing out of his quarters, you decide to follow him since you were part of the bridge as Spock's second in command.

Running along with Jim as the rest of the ship shook more then the last time, was terrifying every minute. Finally you both got to the bridge. Luckily, there was another way other then the turbo-lift just in case it didn't work. And it didn't.

As soon as Jim entered the room, he was shouting orders, & talking through the com to Scotty. "How bad is the damaged?" "It's bad Sir. Explosions are goin' crazy down here." you could hear Scotty's voice ring through the coms.

You quickly got into your seat next to Spock. As you looked through the bridge screen, you saw this huge black starship. It's shape was a strange triangle with lasers shooting out from the point.

"Sir! Shields are at 56 percent!" Sulu shouts. "Chekov! Can we warp out of here?" "No ve can't! Ve vould need more power in order to do so." Chekov says while hitting multiple buttons.

"Scotty!" "I'm givin' her all she's got Captain!" You saw Uhura trying to breach the ship. Nothing was working. You tried to see if you could do research on the mystery ship.

All of a sudden, the firing stopped, the shaking stopped, all was quiet as a image appeared on the screen. You could see the face, only an outline of it in the eerie darkness. "If you wish for your crew to survive, beam onto our ship Captain. Only you, just to talk. You have 5 earth minutes." it said in a thick accent of some kind before blinking out.

You looked at your fiancé with wide eyes. He wouldn't trust them, would he? "Spock, you have the Con." Jim deadpanned as he walked over to the exit. You rushed to him. "James Tiberius Kirk, what do you think you're doing?" you whisper shout as you walk with him.

"I have to do it Y/N. I'm sorry. Don't worry, if anything happens, Scotty will just beam me back." he told you as he stepped on the beaming pad.

You were scared. "What if something happens? What if you can't-" but before you could go any longer, he silenced you with a sweet, caring kiss.

"Just remember, I love you." you nodded your head as he smiled at you sadly with the beaming light surrounding him.

"Be carful Jim." you whispered, mostly to yourself.

( Hours Later )

You paced on & on in the transportation room, waiting for anything. The ship was repaired & ready to warp as soon as the Captain came aboard. Hearing a kind of crackle from the communicator you are holding, you hear Jim's quiet voice.

"Y/N, I have the Captain on radar." Scotty tells you from the controls. "Scotty! Beam him up then!!" you shout, waiting for your Jim. You see his laying body on the beaming pads. You rush over to him as the ship goes into warp speed.

He looked horrible, blood all over his torn shirt, cuts everywhere, & he was dying. "It's o-okay Jim. S-scottys calling Bon-nes to get u he-ere." you sobbed.

"Shhh it's too late. Don't worry Y/N, I'll be waiting for you, watching you through life, & I'll be right by your side." he told you, coughing up blood.

Hot tears ran down your face as he said those words. "I-I love you J-Jim. Don't leave me, please." "I have to, it's my time. Goodbye Y/N. Remember that I-." he told you with a weak smile & started coughing again before finishing. You held him in his arms as his breathing got slower & slower.

"That I lov-" Bones ran to Jim, but it was to late. He was gone. He died in your own arms. You cried ever harder, & this time, it was from sadness.

( At The Funeral )

Everyone was dressed in black, including the sky as it rained. Spock was now Captain, with you in Spock's place. You gazed at the grave with no emotion. You had cried since then with every tear you could muster.

You looked at your left hand with the wedding ring. Once last time you looked at it before you placed it back in it's box. You would keep the ring, but not wear it. For it brought to many memories back that should be hidden away, along with the ring.

Never even got to see you in a wedding dress or have children. Your soon to be husband was gone forever. He didn't even get to say 'I love you.' before his death.

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