Star Trek Prank War: Chekov

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( The Next Day )

Yesterday, when it really was April fool's day, some people did boring pranks. Like stuffing your shoes so they don't fit, or going tape crazy on random stuff. You thought of participating, but that would just hurt your ego.

Sitting in your chair, or more like spinning back & fourth, you waited for Pavel & Hikaru to come to work. Both were slightly late. When you thought you would burst at the seams from waiting, you heard the turbo lifts doors open.

Swinging your chair to face the turbo lift, in hope of seeing one of them, out came boring old Spock. You sighed out loud which caught his attention unfortunately as you spun towards your station with your back facing him.

"Is there something of a problem Y/L/N?" you heard him ask behind you. You starting cringing when you knew you had to answer him, not draw any more unneeded attention to you.

"First off, please call me Y/N Mr. Spock. I'm not my father," your dad was a captain in Starfleet & really didn't approve of your pranking matter. Said it wasn't very lady like. Bump that.

"And second, I just like sighing. It helps the body to release all the tension. You should ask Bones, he'll tell you." you say with a fake grin on your face.

The look of uncertainty swept across his face for a moment before he returned back to his neutral face. It seemed like he was going to continue the conversation, but just then, the turbo lifts doors opened once again.

This time, Pavel is the one to walk in, or more like trudge in along with a grumpy looking Hikaru following close behind. Both look tired by the looks of the bags under their eyes.

At the sound of the doors, Spock quickly turns to face the both of them & starts to give out a lecture of how logical it was to be on time for the 'duty of a Starfleet commander'.

As Spock was talking, you stood straight in your seat & began to mimic Spock as you pinched your ears to make them pointy, opened & closed your mouth as if you were talking.

Both of the younger men fidget from holding in the laughter as they try to pay attention to Spock's dulling words. It doesn't go under Spock's notice as he quickly turns, just to find you looking bored, absentmindedly pressing buttons on your keypad.

Shaking his head slightly, he turns back to finish up the conservation. But as soon as his back is to you, you stand up & stick your tongue out along with a scrunched up face. Man, you could be so childness at times.

Finally, your Russian & Japanese friend come over to their stations & plop down in their seats. "Wow. Did you guys get the number of that Klingon ship that hit you?" you joked, gesturing to Pavel's untamed hair & Hikaru's heavy eye lids.

"Hahaha. Very funny Y/N." Hikaru deadpanned. "I swear zat movie iz going to be ze death of me." you heard Pavel mutter under his breath.

"Oh come on. It wasn't even THAT scary. They added a lot of humor compared to the originals." you argue with your hands in the air like you just do not care.

"Oh really? I had nightmares of trees & stupid clown dolls coming to get me." Hikaru huffs, crossing his arms like a small child. "You zink zat vas bad? I had a real clown come for me in ze middle of ze night!" Pavel exclaims, not really paying any attention to the rest of the world as people started to stare.

"Nah. You probably just had a realistic nightmare or something." you told him, waiting to see what his reaction would be.

"Could be vroung, but I don't zink nightmares leave MARKS." "Wait-what-really?" Hikaru asked, very confused because it seemed that he was telling the truth by the look of Pavel's face.

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