Chapter Three: Nothing's Broke

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I shivered when Casey and I walked to my car. The afternoon air was brisk with a subtle hint of moisture. "I sure hope I have a jacket in my back seat." I looked across the parking lot and saw the guy from study hall standing by a truck. "So, what's his story?"

Casey looked around the parking lot. "Who?"

Trying not to look obvious, I nudged my head toward mystery guy. "The guy over there by the dark blue F-150."

"Oh, that's Lucas Andrews. He's a junior." Casey hesitated and leaned against the fender of my bug while I dug through the pile in my back seat. "He used to be part of our group. Lucas and Evan were best friends at one time. All that changed after an eighth grade fight over a girl." She rolled her eyes. "Of course, the girl was Sasha. Personally, I think she regrets choosing Evan. She has a hard time trusting him." She rolled her eyes again. "He has wandering eyes."

I casually listened, still digging for my hoodie. Even though I was curious, I didn't want to look like I cared about the details.

Casey rambled on, "After the fight, Lucas stopped hanging out with us. He isn't rude toward us-he just keeps his distance. I think he mostly just hates Evan."

"Wow, all that over a little fight."

"Well, they bickered back and forth with each other for a few months. The final blow came at the eighth grade end-of-school dance. Lucas showed up solo. He caught Evan kissing a girl in the hall-it wasn't Sasha. Evan worried about Lucas saying something to Sasha, even though it was obvious Lucas didn't have feelings for her anymore." Casey stopped to catch her breath. "So, Evan and two of his friends took Lucas outside and beat him pretty bad; all because Evan was a little threatened." Casey shook her head. "Lucas never said anything to Sasha, but the other girl did, hoping she'd get together with Evan."

I looked a little puzzled. "No offense to Sasha, but what kind of girl stays with a guy who cheats on her?"

Casey whispered, "To be honest, I think, Sasha believes Evan will be her ticket out of this small town. That's why she puts up with it. Seriously, her dream job is to be a Trophy Wife."

"That's pathetic!" My eyes widened and I quickly threw my hand over my mouth. I couldn't believe I'd just blurted that out. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

Casey laughed. "That's ok, it doesn't bother me. Sasha and I have been friends since kindergarten, and it shocks me that she's turned out this way. I know she doesn't really like the fact that I befriend just about everyone. She jokes that I have a tendency to pick up strays. I'm just naturally a friendly person. Don't worry, Eliana; I've learned what to say to Sasha and what not to say."

I gave her a half-smile. Deep down, I wondered if I could truly trust Casey since she'd been friends with Sasha for so long. I decided I should keep some things to myself.

"This is such a cute little car," Casey said.

I felt a wave of relief with the subject change. "Thanks. It was a birthday gift from my parents. I think they gave it to me to ease the news that I would be moving."

"We don't have many cars like this, mostly just trucks, vans, and SUVs."

"I've noticed." I laughed, and glanced up and down the parking lot. "Perfect. I have a hoodie." Too bad I hadn't remembered that an hour ago when I was entering study hall in my Hooters' outfit.

We climbed into my VW and headed to the general store. After we'd made a quick stop for the infamous black sweatpants, I followed Casey's step-by-step directions to her house. We pulled into the driveway of a large blue farmhouse surrounded by rows and rows of trees.

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