The Last OneNightStand...

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Hey it's me the Arthur and I hope you love the book. Please vote & comment if your sexy which I know you guys are. { RATED R}


My name is Eve Taylor Jackson I have medium length body-wave hair that stops to my shoulders, dark brown doe eyes, a nice nose,slim lips,light skinned,5'7,and i'm small framed.(Zoe Saldana)

It was all most night time on the Friday and I just had to get ready for this new club I heard about called Bliss. I just got home from work and was running to my closet. I chose my black lace dress and some black stilettos. I took a quick shower did my make up smokey eyed and put on peach pink lipstick,diamond ear rings.I slipped on my dress put my heels on and called my gay best friend Ivan (Colton Haynes).

"Hey are you going to that new club Bliss tonight?"

"Yeah girl. Are you going to do another guy tonight?"Ivan asked.

"You already know the answer to the question question."I smiled.

"You whore!"Ivan laughed.

"What ever see you there bitch."I laughed and hanged up the phone.

After talking to Ivan I fed my black cat Jess and walked out of my two story house into my red mustang. I was half way there when I realize I forgot to put on par-fume good thing I keep some in my car;at the red light a sprayed some on me and with a few minutes I was at Bliss. I parked waited in the line and had my I.D out. I'm 23 why do I have to show this? The buff security guy looked at me and my I.D 6 times.

"You can go in miss."He stern deep voice said wile unhooking the small gate thing.

Once I got in the music was pumping to the song by Nicki Manaj ft. Cassie "The Boys". I had all ready spotted my target but first I'm bumped into Ivan.

"Hey girl!"He squealed and hugged me,I smiled and patted him on the back noticing a cute guy behind him.

"Whose he?"I smiled.

"Mine! And he's Cole." Ivan said while releasing me and grabbing on to Cole's hand.I laughed.

"Whatever I see my guy waiting for me at the bar."I smirked while walking to my target hearing Ivan scoff and laugh at the same time.

I sat to him at the bar and ordered a martini. The handsome brunette bartender smiled at me with his green eyes And charming smile.

"For you my stunning lady on the house."He smirked.

"Why thank you my good sir."I said with a serious face and then laughed.

"My names Tony...Tony Williams , (Ian Somerhalder) I get off in a hour want to blow this popsicle stand and go to my place?"He smirked.

Well I was going to get with the fine gentlemen beside but this bartender seems pretty awesome."Sure!"I smiled.

"Great!"Tony smiled."So what's your name?"

"Jennifer....Jennifer Johnson."I lied.

"Jennifer."He dragged my name."I love it."He smirked.

"Hey lover boy can you get me and my man a drink!?"Cole said with his hand around Ivan's waist. Ivan winked at me and mouthed 'he's hot'. I laughed.

Tony looked a little mad but then looked at Cole with a smile."What can I get a fine couple like you?"

"Two red strawberry sun-set margaritas."Cole said with a little sass. He maybe the dog in the relationship but he sure is feminine I thought to myself.

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