8 part 2

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Long story short, I'm lazy. Sorry for the wait liebes! :)


I finally got done at around 12:30 pm. I looked at my phone, seeing 4 text messages and 9 missed calls from Eric.

3:45 Am(Baby whatever I did I'm so sorry!  I love you! )

3:22Am(Eve COME HOME!  I MISS YOU, I want you here now!)

1:56 Am(Baby I can't sleep without you by my side)

1:00 Am(My heart is aching from being away from you so long, I can't stop thinking about you. I need to hold you in my arms so I can fall asleep knowing you're safe.)

Oh my goodness,my sides were hurting from laughter of how cliché and clingy he sounded! I love him, but my god does he sound desperate.  I'm sure he's fine. I heard a knock coming from the door. Damn it's one o'clock already! I walked to the door and I saw Tony in a suit with a box of chocolates, stuffed bear, and some damn roses! I thought this was just a coffee date!

"Hey Mrs . Jackson, you look beautiful! "He said staring me in the eyes with his summer ocean eyes."I brought you some gifts." Tony said.

"Thank you Tony um come in, you can sit right there while I go get a vase. " I said gesturing towards my couch.

"Okay , this is a nice place you got here!"He yelled from the living room.

"Thanks."I said. Ok I think he went crazy with the gifts and all. I got my green jade vase my aunt gave me, I thought I'd never use it.I came in and got the roses from Tony.

"I'm really happy you said,"Yes." to me. I'll help you with those roses." He said while getting up and help me unravel the many newspapers from the roses and place them in the vase.

"Well I thought it'd be nice to get out a little more, so what are we doing?"I asked curiously.

"Well I'm taking you to dine at Olive Gardens, And then after we can rent some movies at my place, and then I'll take you to the Subway by the park and get those cookies you like so much, and-"I cut him off from his sweet mumbling.

"How do you know I like Subway cookies? " I said with a smirk. He turned red.

"I-I saw you at work sometimes and you would get the cookies out and eat them with a beautiful smile and a milk mustache to go with it." He chuckled. Who knew he watched me while I enjoyed those scrumptious cookies and that tastie

fat-free milk. thinking about made me hungry.

"Oh." I laughed, "Well I can't help but to smile when I eat my favorite sweets." maybe this guy's not so bad after all.


We got to Olive Gardens and it turned out we had a lot in common! We both looked like monsters eating the bread sticks too!

"You like Batman?!"Tony gasped.

"Yes! Who couldn't like The Dark Knight who saved the world with no super powers but with his smarts...and riches! "we both laughed.

I ordered the shrimp pasta with broccoli, and a water and so did he. We even eat the same.

"So what happened after you told the guy his nose was broken from the fight?"I asked. He was telling me the stories of his bartender days.

"He asked me,"Is it bad?" and I told him" It looks like you got a nice nose job but  put a little ice on it but before you go let me see it a little closer. " I then took his nose and poped it back in place and he screamed higher than when he got punched in the nose." Tony said eyes wide as if he was watching the memory. I laughed but was a bit grossed out. we told each other embarrassing stories of our childhood and then after that he payed and we went to his house.


I remembered his apartment and while he was talking I awkwardly looked at all the places we made out on. Wow this is weird.

"Mrs . Jackson?"Tony was snapping his fingers in my face.

"Huh what?" I said dazed.

"I said,"What movie do you want to watch?". he looked at me worried. We were on his couch and a choice between The Fault In Our Stars, or Godzilla.

"Um let's watch Godzilla." I didn't want him to see me cry so I decided not to watch the best romance movie ever.

"I'm happy you said that because I know what was gonna happen if you watched that one." He smirked. Gosh did his smirk get sexy or what?

"Oh shut up."I laughed elbowing him in the arm.

"Ow I think you broke it!" He said with a playful smile."Kiss it for me?"

"Haha no way!"I snickered as he pretended to cry. Throughout the movie he got so close we were basically cuddling.

Me and Tony both got up stretching, we ended up watching 2 more movies.

"Ready for Subway!?" He smiled looking down at me.

"Hell yeah!"I smiled.


We got some cookies, and fat-free milk from Subway and sat on a bench in the park. Then we walked arm in arm around looking at other couples, families, and kids playing.

"I haven't had this much fun I while."Tony chuckled. I noticed a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Yeah this was really fun." I smiled.

We walked to his car after chatting sweet nothings and we got to my house. He opened the car door for me and walked me to my door.

"Wow that was really awesome. " I smiled.

"It was. Do you think you would do it again?" His voiced laced with hope.

"Yeah!"I gave him a big bright smile of my owm.We laughed and then we looked each other in the eyes and came to a awkward silence. He looked like he was determining something but then he suddenly kissed me on my cheek. I blushed but smiled all the same.

"What was that for? "I laughed.

"For truly showing me a great time." He said walking backwards, grinning at me." Good Bye Mrs . Jackson."

"Tony!"I yelled.

"Yeah?"He said looking up from his car for door.

"Call me Eve. "



                     TONY'S  THOUGHTS

"Damn she's so beautiful in that dress"

"Are we soul mates because I swear she's the female me!"

"Damn she sure knows how to put it away!"

"I'd rather her kiss my lips then my arm."

"Hope she doesn't feel my boner!"

"These cookies are good!"

"Lips or cheek? I should go slow and gentle so a soft peck on the cheek."

"My heart feels weird I think I've fallen deep in love with her."


Hoped yall liked it!  And ugh school.

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