Chapter 7.

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I know you guys hate me because of the long ass updates but good news. I got my Internet back at the house! Yay. Anyways here we go.






After I hung up I got up and did a zombie like walk to the kitchen. I guess I'll have some orange juice and some toast. I love breakfast but I'm way to lazy to go all out. Hmph I finally get a break from work and I'm sick. I should do something today like go to a park or well nothings really fun when you do it alone. I guess I'll just stay at home and watch Being Human and Teen wolf all day.


Beep beep beep beep.

"Ugh!"I screamed while smacking my alarm clock in the face. Yesterday went by way to fast! I slowly got up and took a hot shower and chose to wear my red blazer, tan dress top and some black jeans also putting on my Christain Louboutin black platforms with soles the color of my blood. I'm going rock a messy bun and put some sexy makeup on because today I'm going be the shit and not feel like a piece of shit. Ok now all I need to do is make me and Eric some coffee and I'll be on my way. Wait oh shit I forgot he asked me out! Ok think I can um tell him I need time to think oh but I already told him that. Wait I have a gay best friend/cousin I'll ask him. I made the coffee put it in to my cup holders and dialed Ivan's number.

"Hey! Are you coming to work!?"Before I could say anything Ivan yelled through the phone.

"Yes and..."I got cut off.

"And what! You didn't talk to me all day yesterday say your'e sorry or I'm hanging up!"He yelled with a thick case of sassy.

"Ok I'm sorry but.."I got cut off again.

"No excuses and no butts! Oh you actually said sorry!"Ivan sounded astonished.

"Ivan!"I yelled.

"Sorry continue."Ivan said.

"Ok Eric asked me out and I don't know what to say! What should I say?"I said.

"Bitch say yes! Do you not know how much money this fine sexy beef cake makes!?And on top of that he's actually liked excuse me loved you for as long as high school! Don't be a heartless bitch, this is a once in a life time situation!" Ivan yelled."Shit,can we trade lives?"

"Well damn, I mean it just been so long since I had a real relationship. "I said.

"Bitch please, you been sleeping with random guys and leaving them as soon as they fall a sleep and not knowing wether they have STDs or have knocked you up. Don't you think it's time to slow yo row and play it safe with the "SAME" guy for a while?" He asked concerned and I could even see him put the emphasize on "same".

"I think you are right and I'm glad I talked to you."I smiled."I guess Marcus would like it better that way."I said meekly.

"Yes, now give this guy a chance and if it doesn't work out actualy start dating guys and not "hitting it and quitting it" like you usauly do. I've never wanted to say nothing till now cause I'm starting to get worried about you like you never know one of those guys could kill you and it's way better and safer this way because if you keep this O.N.S thing up im going to assume you have problems and get you help."Ivan finally spilled the beans I guess and I feel like I needed to hear this, I never thought people actually worried about me.

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