Chapter 8 p1

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Sorry guy I just thought I should end it right there but ok let's get started. I'm sorry this is short but I just have huge writers block.



2 weeks later


It's only been 2 weeks and he's just about forced me to live at his mansion, but I don't plan on moving in soon. I love my house and so does Jess! Hmmm I wonder were Eric is? Whatever we're out of milk,and eggs so I guess I'll go and buy some more.

After deciding what I should wear, I decided to stick with sweatpants ,and a hoodie I stole from Eric. I finally got there after traffic to see Tony at the dairy section! What the fuck! I squeaked and hid under my hoodie while going past him and quickly getting some milk, and eggs before he could notice me. But no my ninja level is to low.

"Mrs.Jackson!?"Tony smiled like the sun,it was so bright.

Oh god..."Hey Tony."I smiled.

"you look cute in sweatpants, I wish you could were them at work!"He chuckled.

"Oh so do I!"I laughed awkwardly."Well see you later buddy!" I said while walking away.

"Wait!" Tony yelled desperately while grabbing my wrist.

"Yes?"I eyed him suspiciously.

"Will you please go out for coffee sometime with me or go somewhere you'd like to be?"He asked but mostly pleaded throwing me those puppy dog eyes. Ugh why can't he just get a clue and bug off. Well now that I think about it,Eric has been going on plenty of "meeting" with Mrs.Brown, she's nothing but a tramp wanting to get in my mans pants! And on top of that he keeps on agreeing to go on "meetings" with her. Fuck it!

"Sure, how about tomorrow?"I smirked.

"Really!? I mean cool I'll come pick you up at 1 tomorrow. Let's exchange numbers so you can text me your address."He smiled while getting his phone out."what's your number?"

Oh my god this was a stupid idea! "(126)-7545-4333." I said tasting the numbers that came out of my mouth tasted like venom. I am a complete dumb ass.

"Thanks, you need me to carry your groceries to your car?"Tony asked.

"No, I just got these two things."I smiled."So see you tomorrow." I said while walking away but turned around for a second seeing Tony do some weird victory dance. He looked up and became redder than a tomato. I laughed at him and hurried out before he followed me.


I walked into the house seeing Eric with Jess on the couch."Hey guys."I smile.

"Hey liebe."He said while patting on his lap ,signaling me to sit on his lap.

"So where were you ?"I looked at him.

"I was at the gym."He said giving me a kiss on the neck.

"Well tomorrow I'm going on a...get together with Tony."I said smoothly.

"What! Eve,I don't want you going with him! You got me,that's all you need!"Eric said astonished.

"Baby were just going for coffee, believe me I don't want anything to do with him."I rolled my eyes .

"Then why are you going out for coffee with him? I can take you anywhere you want and everything will be alright. "Eric said looking me in the eyes with that hurt look he gives me when he's sad.

"Well I'm still going."I laughed. Serves him right for going on meeting with that wench!

"Was zum Teufel ich hasse ihn ."He mumbled.

"You can " auchkin floshkin" all you want because I'm still going but you know what you can go with Mrs.Brown on your so called "meetings "!" I said while jumping off his lap. "I'll be at my house if you need me."

"Liebe what are you talking about?"I heard him yell. Ugh I need a hot steamy cup of coffee!



I was at the grocery store getting my favorite yogurt when I heard a squeal coming from a hooded lady. Oh! Its Mrs.Jackson,I couldn't recognize her with oversized hoodie. I saw her quickly get some milk,and eggs. I must say something !


"Hey Tony."She smiled,it was beautiful.

"you look cute in sweatpants, I wish you could were them at work!"I chuckled. Maybe that came off as creepy.

"Oh so do I!" she laughed awkwardly."Well see you later buddy!" She said while walking away. Damn it it was creepy!I got to stop her so she won't think I'm a creep forever!

"Wait!" I yelled while grabbing her soft wrist.

"Yes?"She eyed me with those big brown eyes that I almost got lost in.

"Will you please go out for coffee sometime with me or go somewhere you'd like to be?" I asked but mostly sounded like a quick mouth of diarrhea , i'll give her my puppy dog eyes,chicks can't say no to this.

"Sure, how about tomorrow?" she smirked.what! She said yes,hell yeah I'm a stud. Thank you God!

"Really!? I mean cool I'll come pick you up at 1 tomorrow. Let's exchange numbers so you can text me your address." I smiled, ugh way to go to make yourself sound desperate !"what's your number?"

"(126)-7545-4333." Mrs.Jackson said, shes actually giving it to me!?

"Thanks, you need me to carry your groceries to your car?"I asked, I just want to talk to her a little more who am I kidding a whole lot more!

"No, I just got these two things."She smiled."So see you tomorrow." She said while walking away.

Yes, I did my victory dance looking like a complete idiot. I looked up to check out her ass as she walked away but she was staring at me. Oh god she saw that! I could feel my face heat up as she walked away. Note to self, no victory dance in public.



I woke up this morning to a unknown call! "Shit! It's 7 AM who the fuck would be calling me at the ass crack of dawn!?

"Hello."I said but it sounded more like a 60 yr old talking bear that had been smoking for 46 years!

"Hey is this Mrs.Jackson?"I heard a preppy voice on the end realizing it was Tony. Who talks like this on Saturday morning!? And fuck I forgot all about this shit.

" Yeah."I mumbled.

"Oh good,it's Tony I called to remind you that I'm coming to pick you up at 1:00 pm. "Tony said. 1:00!?

"Why so early?"I asked.

"It's a surprise! I'll see you at 1:00 bye!"Tony chirped.

"But I don't like surpri-" I got cut off.

"Ugh!!"I yelled, I just want to stay home!

I don't even know what I want to wear. I don't even know what wear doing! Gosh shit like this just kills my vibe. I'll wear my tan dress ,and red heels. Hopefully this date will last a hour or two.

The Last OneNightStand...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon