chapter 4

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☆★ Im doing this on my phone since my Internet is having problems so im sorry its not as it should be^_^★☆ ♥ yall!!

I stood there shocked. How could this be! I don't even know the guy or girl! This had to be a joke.

"You're lying!"I said in a high pitch voice.

"No I'm not,I am simply telling you what I heard."He said with a smirk.

After 2 hours talking to Leo I left to go home and did my usual take a bath, read, text Ivan, and fall a sleep forgetting to reply back to him.

I shot out of bed at 6:00 AM, I had to go to stupid old work at 8:00. Forgetting what Leo said I acted as if it was in other day.After taking a shower and brushing my teeth I chose to wear black dress pants, grey sweater, grey flats. I felt like being plain. I threw my hair into messy bon and lined my eyes , throwing some dark brown eye shawdow,and putting a little mascara on. UGh! it was on 7:00. I guess just go in early.

I got to work sat at my desk as usual and got to work when I was interrupted around 10:00 by a rat with a letter in his hand.

"I was going to stay mad at you for not coming on our date but decided that I would firgive you. I hope your happy. " John said smugly handing me the letter while winking. I thought I'd vomit.

I opened the leter reading:


You have received a promotion to be my assistant. You have earned it!

Sincerely, the CEO.

"Holy shit! " I forgot all about it! Leo told me yesterday!

"He wants to see you in his office, congratulations honey!" John said to me making me want to vomit again.

"So it wasn't a rumer?"Leo said looking at me with his crooked smile. "Want me to show you his office?"

"Hell yeah!"I said hugging him. John walked away all gloomy like. I should really be a little nice to him but that will just have to wait. Leo took me by my arm and we marched gracefully to the elevator. Leo pressed 12 floor button wich is yhe very top of the building. My heart jumped out of my chest once we got on the 12th floor. Leo saw my nervous face.

"Don't worry I dought he bites." Leo said with a heart warming smile.

"Your right I got nothing to worry about." I said as we had just arrived to the door of his office little did I know I was in for a surprise.


This is wonderful! I will get to see the love of my life almost every day! I will get to smell her sweet vanilla and cinnamon scent. Look at her caramel skin. And tease her so I can see and hear how she reacts. She should be knocking on my door any minute.


I watched Leo walk away and took deep breaths. Come in Eve you can do this. Just take a deep breath and knock on the door gently but hard enough to be heard. Ok 1..2..3! Knock! I knocked 3 times and I heard a familiar voice say "come in".

I open the door and looked up to see the German guy! My jaw hit the ground and ran in another direction. I was so shocked.

"Did you miss me?"E-ric said with his sexy manly voice sending a smirk flying towards me.

"You!"I yelled.

"Yes it is me, I've missed you." He said with that sexy german accent.

"H-how?"I said astonished.

"Maybe because it is our faith to be together."He chuckled.

I just stood there like a idiot. first he catches me when I try to sneak out, 2cd he gets my name,number,and house address, and now he's my boss ! what the hell! This is impossible I thought this would never happen I was a queen if not a pro at being a one night stander. I'm losing my touch.

"Earth to Eve."He said laughing. I quickly snapped out of it .

"Do you accept your promotion?"He said looking at me seriously.

"Y-yes sir." my mouth stumbled out.

"You start tomorrow, you must be here exactly at 8, bring me black coffee, organize my meeting, do some of my paper work, and come to me whenever I need you or else I'll punish you." He winked. "You can have today off and spend it with me if you like." E-ric said looking me straight in the eyes while licking his lips seductively.

"I think I have to finish my work." I said.

"Go ahead...Eve." and with that I left but then came back.

"That's Ms.Jackson."I said boldly and walkef away. Wow just wow.


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