Chapter 9

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"Call me Eve"

I looked at him for another second and saw his face go blank as if he was dying and I quickly closed my door. I can't wait to see him again...wait Eve No you're with Eric now. I have to stop thinking of Tony in that way. You know what I should call Ivan tell him all the tea and shade! I reach and get my phone out of my purse which I left in there since this morning. Tony's just that interesting, it's like he completely knows how to talk to me and that's sexy! Damn I need to stop. As soon as I get my phone out I see a bunch of texts from Eric. Oh my gosh, he needs help if he's this in love. It's only been 5 days. Damn I need to go check on him. Text like this makes you have to go see a person. But first I screen shot some of the messages and send them to Ivan.

(You hate me don't you?)

(Baby why don't you love me?Am I not enough for you my liebe)

(All I ever done is love you)

(Tony's will never satisfy you like I can, he can't get you everything you ever needed or anything you want like I can)

(You're with that Dick aren't you! ?)

(Baby, what are you doing? Come over I got gift for you ;))

Not a minute later I get a call from Ivan nosy ass. As soon as I press answer I hear.

"Bitch what the f#ck did you do to him?"I hear him yell at me.

"Ugh, we had a argument I left and ignored his text."I say simply.

"Quit your lying. "Ivan says.

"Okay I agreed to go on a date with Tony." I sigh.

(I'm sure you guys can get whose saying what so without further a due)

"No you didn't!Why and what did yall do?!"

"Because he saw me at the store and asked me out and I said " Yeah." because Eric has been going on meeting with that whore and we were supposed to just go get coffee but he decided that we should go to Olive Gardens, rent some movies at his place, go to subway to get my favorite cookies, and then go walk at some park."

"Damn! He went all out for your ass!Did you have fun?"Ivan laughed on the other end of the phone.

"That's not even it he brought me a box of chocolates, teddy bear, and some roses!"I yelled as I was getting into the car and quickly texted Eric.

(I'm coming over.)

"Bitch you lying!"

"No I'm telling the truth! And yeah it was a great date honestly I would go on another!"

"You get on my nerves with all these good men! So what's going to happen with Eric?"

"I don't know, I'm driving to his place right now I'll let you know when the shit stops hitting the fan" I simply said and we hanged up. I felt my heart and stomach hurting each second I was getting closer.


I parked in the driveway and nervously walked to the door. I knocked twice and the door flew open and I saw Eric looking pretty shitty. His eyes were red and his blonde hair was every where. I could smell scotch on him too. He stood there looking down at me. I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet.

"Why did you ignore me?" His voice stern and rusty.

"I didn't mean-"I was cut off.

(Drunk Eric = Rough Eric )

"Don't ever do that again!"He yelled and pulled me into the house slamming the door. I was up against wall caged in his arms " Did you cheat on me?Did you let that disgusting bastard touch you like I do!?"He whispered in my ear and started kissing my neck so hard that it started to hurt a little but felt so damn good!

"N-no." I said like a stuttering idiot."Eric stop let's talk about this" I moaned. Before
I knew it we were upstairs in his room.

(OK I'm not good at sex scenes so bare with me)

"No you don't get a say in this Mrs.I don't give a damn about people's feelings."He growled and kiss me hard on the lips. He slammed me on the bed and walked out the room. where the hell is he going?Eric walks in with a morbid grin on his face and quickly reveals hand cuffs and a collar!

"Oh hell no! I don't who you think you is!"I yell and due to this my ghetto starts coming out.As he walks slowly towards me he takes everything thing off! I look closely and I see "EVE Owned by Eric" carved into the golden part of the collar. This ass hole was freaky from the start! He planned this shit! I heard him laughing.

"Eric I ain't putting that on!"I yell.

"Eve you're going to and you're going to like it."He smirks as he gets on the bed and quickly puts it around my neck! I was going to protest but all my clothes had been ripped of and throne roughly to the ground. He licks my collar and then goes down farther and starts bitting my nipple.

"Ow!"I yell.

*** (OK I'm gonna end that right there and you'll hear what he does through out the chapter. )

I wake up in Erics arms and felt my collar. Luckily the hand cuffs are gone. I hear a groan and a yawn vibrate against my back.
"Good morning Beautiful. "Eric smiles at me.

"Take this stupid collar off of me."I groaned.

"Nope , you're going to wear it to work so assholes will know you're mine." He grinned giving me a tight hug. I was still mad about this bullshit punishment. Damn Eric is a complete freak. There's a lock on my collar that has a damn code that only he knows.


I walked into work all eyes on my damn neck!Ivan mouth was down to the floor. I rolled my asked and mouthed ,"I'll tell you later" . Eric drove me to work today and as of now he is dragging me to his office I mean holding hands with me. I was hoping Tony wouldn't see this.

"That slut probably slept her way up to CEO assistant." I heard Lydia, the office bitch whisper to a employe. I wasn't the only one who heard her. Surprisingly Eric heard her through his pride.

"Lydia you're fired."Eric said nonchalantly. Lydia cried but he payed no mind to her. I turned around and gave her a little wave and wink. We finally got to his office. I stood there awkwardly waiting for him to say something.

"What are you waiting for?"Eric said and patted his lap.

"Eric, no we're at work!"I squeaked.

"I'm your boss and your boyfriend, now sit on my lap."Eric said coldly.
What the flying fluck is his problem! I slowly walked and sat on his lap.
"Now tell me all about with Tony."Eric said huskily in my ear sending a shiver down my back.

"It wasn't really a date."I lied. I felt a tight grip on my right breast."Aaow!"I yelled.

"Tell me truth or the collar won't be the only thing you're wearing!"Eric said while pressing his lip on my neck."What did you two do?" I felt like a kid that was being scolded. My face was redder then a tomato.

"W-we went to Olive Gardens, rent some movies at his place, go to subwa-"I got cut off

"You what?!"He yelled.

"We didn't do anything but watch a movie!"I defended myself.We sat in silence which was painfully awkward for me sitting on his lap. I felt his hand caress my cheeks.

"Why are you so troublesome?"Eric asked me but more to himself.


Today was horrible and no it doesn't just ends there I'm what you call grounded! I'm a grown woman and he took my phone and I'm not allowed to do anything social for 3 days. I didn't talk to Eric the rest of the day right now I'm in his bed and I've totally became his human teddy bear.
He scares me with how obsessed he's become. I think I should break up with him.


It was short ik but gosh I don't know how to end the story! :(

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