Chapter Eight

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Jessie's POV.

I wake up feeling much better, my throat isn't so sore. I cough and test my voice to see if it still sounds croaky. "Hello" It sounds fine. I get in the shower and when I have got out I moisterise and got dressed. I couldn't decide whether to go downstairs or not.

Then I hear a voice from outside my door. My mum walks in.

"You feeling better sweetie?"

"Yes thanks" I smile back. Danny hears our voices and walks in.

He makes fun of my mum by walking over to me and pretending to be a protective mother. He feels my forehead and pulls a over-exaggerated shocked face. Which I undoubtly can't deny, was attractive. JESSICA, STOP THIS RIGHT NOW. He's sat right next to you!!...

He pinches my cheek as a joke but wow his touch is so soft. Don't do anything stupid now, don't mess this up, especially infront of your mum. But I thought too late. I back away from his hand and completely froze. My mum left the room, which is what I wish I could do right now. Smooth Jess, real smooth.

His face went blank, he is completely emotionless.

"F*ck off then, Jessie!" Then he barges out leaving me alone. I feel tears forming in my eyes but I rubbed them dry before they had chance to run down my face. That really hurt me. Not just because he was so pissed off at something so petty, but because he called me 'Jessie'. I don't like that, he must be really upset. But why?

I heard a loud bang then silence. I ran down the corridoor searching for where the noise had come from. I see Danny's bedroom door wide open which was odd because he always likes his door shut. I ran downstairs and saw Danny in the kitchen holding his knuckles.

I walked in and he quickly turned away from me. I pulled him back around and noticed his eyes were bloodshot and puffy. He wouldn't have been crying because of me, course he wouldn't. He rubbed his eyes dry with his free hand.

I looked down to his hand and saw his knuckle was swollen and slightly bleeding.

I feel so bad right now.

I hope he didn't do this because of me.

I quickly ran to the freezer and got an ice pack. I sat down on the chair next to him and gently placed it on his hand. He winced as I put pressure on his knuckle.

"Oh man up" I joked because I could see he was hurt. He laughed but only slightly. I hated seeing him like this but I hated even more that i've remembered nothing about him.

"...I'm sorry for shouting at you, I didn't mean it Jess!" I can't help but smile at the name he called me.

"It's fine Dan, i'm sorry for acting like an idiot. I was tired, I didn't get much sleep" I've never called him 'Dan' before but I quite like it.  I didn't get much sleep either, so that techniqually wasn't a lie.

"Why didn't you sleep?"

"Um, just my sore throat I think..."

"Oh right, well make sure you get some sleep tonight" He said as he squeezed my hand with his free hand. Why does he care so much?

I took the ice pack off his hand and put it back in the freezer.

I turned round and was imbraced in one of his hugs...


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I know I said this chapter would be good but I rushed it so I could get it up.  So sorryyyy, anyway I hope the next chapter will be better! Hope you are enjoying :)

PS, hope you like the multimedia;) It's my fav picture of Dan and I think it makes him look quite hard haha.

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