Immortals and the Not so Mortals

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They call us beasts. Monsters. They say we burn their civilization to the ground. They call us demons. Creatures that plaque the earth. We are the devil to their species, as they are to ours. They are human, after all humanity overrides everything. They are brought to this world with too much knowledge, too much understanding. They received the greatest and most dangerous gift of all. They received dominance. The ability to make others feel weak. The ability to patronize and fool others while feeding their own selfish needs. They received the ability to be cannibals, to be able to kill each other. They used it against us, turning our strong race of noble dragons into creatures of evil and disgust. We are monsters to their eyes, as they are to us. We may have burned their villages, eaten their livestock, and fought their armies, but both side lose in a battle, even it's not the battle itself. They have infested our earth with their humanity, they have driven their swords through my kinds children, and they have dissected us to cure their greatest flaws. Their mortality. What was given to them was never enough. It was never enough to satisfy. There is always more. They put a needle through our eyes, telling us it's kill or be killed. They put us in arenas, for their amusement. To watch as we fight each other, giving us that hatred, that feeling of cannibalism. Cannibalism isn't just the feeling of one eating their kind, but betraying their kind, by driving that dagger through their own kinds heart and watch in satisfaction as the life drains from their eyes. The humans they always have own flaw, their nature, their need to prove their dominance, the need to engage with the unnecessary. Their fatal love.
I have lived too long with their tyranny hanging above us, like a shoe over a cockroach. I have watched so many loved ones die before me, choking on their own blood, so I could write their story. I have watched humanity kill us from the inside like a plague. I have heard the screams of my kinds children as they burned them from the inside out. I have dealt too much, to lose any more. I knew I would lose something, but I didn't anticipate losing everything. To them this is a silly war, a war they will win. It is, after all they received the gift of dominance, but we got something greater we got hope. We may have lost everything, even the war, but we still won something, and the future will always be our oracle, for whom the past can only decipher.....
Decibel 406 B.C.
The Blood Rain War
(Decibel POV)
I stared at the wall of my prison, my sight was blurred from the hazy light bouncing harshly on the brick walls of my prison. The chains secured tight around my snout had been their so long, and all I could think about was food. The hunger in my stomach, eating at my insides, like a parasite trapped inside, clawing at the walls of its confinement. I felt the pang of hunger. I might even at this point give in. Give in to my nobility, let humanity take me over and eat me alive. The blood that stained these walls was dry, painting them with a simple agony, written in a permanent ink that made look complex look underrated. There was no light down here, everything was artificial. The way the humans talked to me, treated me, told me I was alive. The truth is I feel dead, my insides do not throb with pain, my eyes see a darkened world, my hope is like a clock at its last tick. I wanted to feel something, besides the hunger. I wanted to feel alive. I want to feel alive. How do you feel alive, when you are so dead inside? Is this how you feel when hope is gone? No, hope is not gone, its just artificial. The most dangerous kind of hope, false hope, the one that let you to your downfall and then crushed your soul and dreams, the took the real hope and crushed it, sucking out any reality that was left.

"I am dead," I whispered. I can not bear any of this anymore. It is too much. Too much. To have that hunger, that rage, that anger, eating you up, instead of feeding you. The door squeaked open, and in stepped a man. His face was pale, like a sheet of snow. His hair was black, and it floated like ashes upon his pale face, after all he was the ashes of my kind, my hope, and myself. He smiled coldly, his fingertips, never leaving the heavy wooden door, his eyes, so cold, I could almost feel frost inching across the edges of his irises.

Growling, I tried hoisting myself up, but the attempt was useless, my legs felt like they had been chopped off again and again. His eyes never left me, but his smirk grew more intense after watching my pitiful struggle. "What a shame," he whispered, his voice was even icier than his appearance,"a leader of such an impressing attempt to knock my crown off my head." He laughed to himself, looking up at the ceiling, looking up at nothing, for he probably felt like everything was under them. No weight was on his shoulders, while on mine, mine, my shoulders was were the world rested, and if he killed me, then it would fall to the next victim, until finally it would crush the humanity out of him.

"You, dragons are such stupid creatures, you know nothing of power. You do not know how to control it. You would lead such a greatly built monarchy to its downfall," he choked out angrily, his face losing any trace of amusement that was there before.

"A monarchy on which you built upon the backs of your people," I snarled, my saliva landing on the door that he was still holding.

"After they so willingly bowed down to me," he chuckled, his face growing even more pale, his black hair floating across his jagged jawline. My teeth were now pulled back in hatred. This was the man who had driven that sword through our hearts, the man who had stepped upon men's backs as they swore their loyalty and trust upon him, the man who repayed a gift with a dagger in the back. There would be no more.

I could see him stepping towards me, his steps so careful, he was like a leopard, one move, and a strike, when the prey was completely unaware. He raised the sword up to my eye level, holding it there for a moment. "Any last words," he sneered.

"Remember, your kind does not live forever," I whispered, my voice sickly and hoarse with pain. He then scowled and dropped the sword. Then it all went black. Black like ashes. Then out of the ashes came a light, this time it wasn't artificial......

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