Heart of a Cannibal

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Heart of Cannibal

(Cinders POV)

I woke up to be greeted by an unfamiliar darkness. I was in a cave, I knew that. I continued to look around for any openings near the stony cave walls, there! A small light shone, a crack of hope in a portal of the looming night. I walked forward, only to be pulled back by something. Clang. A metal rope hung uncomfortably around my scaly, white neck. A chain? Why was I chained? Images poured through me, me getting tangled in the ropy figure of a net, and a wave of slumber fallen upon me. I was captured. I knew that I was a prisoner, but a prisoner of whom?

"I think it's awake," a noise brought me back to consciousness, I crawled backwards, at hearing the sounds of voices, the sound of my captors. A huge metal door swung open and for a minute I was blinded by the shrouding brightness. Through my limited vision I could see two silhouettes, standing in a shady stance, their backs to the outer realm.

They stepped closer, their footsteps a clicking sound on the smooth, stone floor. I growled, my mane bristling, what were they doing? "Yep, she's awake," the voice chuckled, the sound of bitter amusement was so foreign to my sensitive ears. I could make out their figures now, one was a sandy haired man, with a piercing gaze and high cheekbones, the other was bald and if anyone wanted to count the warmth in his eyes, well they were equivalent to the amount of hairs he had. "What should we do with her now, sir?" the sandy-haired man asked, his bright green eyes glancing briefly in my direction.

"Well, we put her in the arena of course?" the shiny-headed man said through gritted teeth and a blank stare. The other man nodded, walking up to me. I snarled, showing off pearly, white teeth. The man flinched before quickly grabbing the chain that held me to the wall and disconnecting it. He then pulled me shakily to my feet and led me into the vast unknown world of outside.

The harsh light stung my eyes as daylight filtered into my peering gaze. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the dark spots cutting through my vision. I blinked, focusing on the area, I was in a sandy pit, that was outlined by tall wooden walls, people stood roosted, cheering in delight. I was so busy staring at the people, I almost didn't notice the man, unhooking the chain and scrambling away.

I ran after him, trying to escape the attention I was receiving, but a gate swung closed right in front of me before I could escape, spikes hanging deadly on the bars of the metal enclosure. A roar sounded from behind me, I shivered, my muscles were quivering from the power loaded behind the beast. I turned to meet eyes with the devil itself. There stood a towering beast, scales black as midnight's shadow, eyes as red as the crimson color of fresh blood, and teeth as sharp as stalagmites in the pits of hell.

I crouched in fear, this was my opponent. I was supposed to fight to the death with this horrifying creature before me, the odds were not in my favor.

Lowering myself to the ground, I stalked around the dragon, his black, obsidian scales flashing vibrantly in the domed arena's artificial lights. He hissed, spit flying in my face, and soggily dripping down my chin. Leaping into the air I tried to swipe at his face, but missed when he suddenly recoiled, sending me tumbling clumsily onto the dirty floor. My eyes stung as the dust tipping my lashes, found its way toward my pupils. 

      Run, a voice told me in the back of my head. I ignored it, focusing on the incoming swipes the dragon was using. Block. Swipe. Block. I ducked a kick, but managed to get struck hard in the face by his spiky tail. I cried out in pain, falling to the ground, black, velvet-like blood poured down my cheek. The agony was intensifying, I fell to the ground writhing in pain, as he centered a blow again on my face. The audience cheered in excitement, someone to please their bitter amusement. 

               I blocked it all out, closing my eyes and focusing on all the sounds around me, the roaring giant looming ahead, the stomping, clapping and cheering of the crowd, then everything went silent in my head, just the distant ringing, like a failed alarm. I opened my eyes and shot forward, spreading my pearl wings out, and gliding in mid-air. I then twisted myself backwards onto the dragon's back. Biting down on his neck, I sunk my fangs deep into his flesh, his wails cutting through the audiences delighted yowls. Twisting at his neck, he backed up, trying to throw my almost weightless body off of him, no success. I clang on like it was what my life was depending upon, he continued backing up, trying to throw me off, bucking at me like a wild bull.  

               Rolling off of him, I stumbled to the ground, to watch in horror as he backed up right into the spiked gates. His body hit them violently,  the thorn like spikes digging into his back, he let out a squeal of shock and utter misery, his body was shaking tremendously as it fought to keep him living. Blood dribbled from his jaw, and his eyes faded to a dull, lifeless red, his wings drooping down in defeat, and his body falling into the limp arms of death. 

         I stepped back in astonishment. No. I could not have killed him. I didn't. What did I do? What have I done? I had killed someone. I was a cannibal just like the rest of my kind. I looked down staring at the dark scarlet liquid that pooled to the ground on puddles, forming a sea that would someday drown me. I had killed someone.... 


Hey, sorry its short, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, its bit violent, there will be more violent scenes in the future, just a warning...

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