Bloodrain Oceans

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(Cinders POV)
      Silence. So much silence. Too much silence. It was too loud in my young ears, too soft to register. Silence was terrible. Silence is terrible, but silence in the dark is worse. not knowing the dangers, anticipation turns against us, making us lash out. When we lash out others die, it's the way the world works. It's the way humanity works. 

      I crawled through the dense thicket, the leaves brushing against my spine. The maple leaves were a copper and gold color in the dappled sunlight, the air fresh with morning dew. The trees rustled up above bringing life over the silent world, upon were the beasts prey. I sniffed the air, catching a sweet, sickly scent in the wind, blood. Curious, I crept forward, keeping my tail above the fallen leaves, careful not to stir them and bring the entire forest into awakening. My steps were quieter than a mouse on an escapade, as I followed the scent, wondering what I would discover in the mysteries of this haunted hour.  

         I pushed myself through the undergrowth, my steps more calculated by each passing second. I could hear nothing, making my anticipation of the future turn into false predictions and cautious child-play. Stones rattled softly beneath my feet, I froze. The stones still shook. They grew louder and louder. I stepped back in surprise. Louder and Louder. I could hear the sharp clatter of hooves now. My eyes widened with fear, as I dashed under a bush and watched the scene played before me. 

        A dragon ran out onto the pebbles, his green scales the color of mint leaves, and eyes the color of the sun. His wings were torn and shredded, sending a scarlet vapor over the stones. He froze to listen to the sound and made a dash for it, but it was too late. I watched in horror as an arrow flew, narrowly missing hi heart. It landed with a thud on his shoulder, he screamed in pain and tumbled to the ground. I could make out the dull pelts of horses as the humans surrounded him. He was snarling and choking on blood, his teeth glistening black and eyes  narrowed in a defensive state. 

        I held myself back from attacking the humans. It would do no good. I couldn't save him, what was I thinking? I was no hero. I could feel his eyes staring at the bush I was hiding in. Could he see me? He screeched for help, but I just closed my eyes. I couldn't save anyone. I couldn't do it, but could I just watch him die? No, I thought to myself. No. 

       I growled, a sharp and low sound, ferociously at the humans. They turned their steeds, leaving their backs open and defenseless to the dragons behind them. Thank Eclipse for making the humans so stupid, otherwise we would have been extinct by now. He lunged ripping of two of the mens head off their bony shoulders in the process, their spears dropping in a clatter to the ground. He then swiped his tail, spikes emerging from it and sunk them deep into the last humans skull. he fell to the ground in a lifeless heap. 

       I hid, not sure if I should approach this dragon, after all he had just killed three humans with no effort at all. He was now licking the blood from his shoulder, "Come out, little one," he called, his eyes never going to the bush in which I lay. 

      "You're little for a dragon, too," I replied, stepping into full view. He knew I was there, so what was the point in hiding? He scowled and examined me, as I took over his appearance in better view. He was sturdy, with a rigid jawline, and sharp canines, and a tail with wicked spikes emerging from it, trailing up his spine. 

       "Never met a white dragon, much less a violet-eyed one," he whistled, his face showing some agitation, but it was quickly removed with a hidden glint of curiosity behind his golden irises and ebony pupils.  

      "I'm Cinder," I greeted him, my voice sounding annoyed and hoarse. I pressed my wings tightly around my body as I awaited his name, and of course he didn't give me it. 

      "Wild?" he asked, I looked at him perplexed. Wild? "Free? Are you a free dragon?" I continued to stare at him, "Are you owned my humans?" I shook my head, bewildered by his question that seemed nonsense to me. "I'm Sage, by the way," he called," meet again soon." He then disappeared into the thicket behind him, leaving me staring at the trail of blood he left behind. The trail of destruction.  

      I turned and walked back into the forest, it was now alert, any noise, any ruffle of leaves, could leave me in the clamped jaws of a predator. Any wrong move and I would be struck by the claws of my enemies. After all, I was drowning in a ocean. I was drowning in a Blood Rain Ocean. We all are. The only thing we can do is try not to sink..... 

           "Wait, Sage," I called, I wasn't going to drown, I was going to break free from the dark waters that held me captive. He reappeared in the brush, "how would you like to come with me?" His eyes flickered at me uncertainty. 

         "What do you mean?" he whispered, his feet shifting, as if h was nervous, or scared even. I looked deeper into his amber eyes, they were filled with sorrow and loss, as if he was drowning in an ocean of his own. I looked over at the ripped up mess of the lifeless humans. Anger seethed behind my gaze and I knew I wasn't the only one who was angry. 

             "What did the human's do to you?" I asked, choosing my words carefully. 

             "Well when I was just a little drauwl, they killed my parents, tearing their bloody hearts from their bodies and kept their scales for worthless jewelry," his voice was burning with uttermost hatred, " they forced me to kill others. They forced me to kill other dragons, and I had to watch myself become a monster, when the only thing I could do was hope. Hope dies little one. Hope dies just like us all."  

       My eyes softened, astonished at how such a brave, strong dragon could be so mentally weak, but be powerful at the same time. "Revenge does too," I lowered my eyes, "but vengeance never does. How about we let the humans face their own humanity? how about we get vengeance. The may be monsters, but we are too. I won't let you drown, not when you have so little to lose. Not when you have so much to gain...." 

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