Wicked's Remorse

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(Decibel's POV) (After the War Before Capture) 

       Silence that is all we heard, the silent cry of death. Blood, that is all we saw, the constant drip, the oceans it consumed. Humanity had resigned again, they have forced the most of us in cages to fight, to kill, to result to our own monstrosity. It is all that was said before silence. No screams threatened to fill the air, for they would not be heard because the poisonous slumber of death would consume them. 

      The king has burned our treaty, our last attempt for peace, he has created his own, The Treaty of Right. He has ordered the capture of dragons and death to those who do not oblige. He has made our kind into a monster. He has made us face our own nature. He chose the sword to tear our hearts from our bodies, so that he could make us heartless. He ripped out our eyes to make us blind. Tore our tongues to make us mute, and stripped our hope from us to make us worthless, but there is one thing he cannot take and that is our soul. Our soul. Souls the burning ember of humanity, it was not the heart for it had the job to pump blood, it was not the mind for its work is to think, it was our soul that brought us to fight and it will do again. We will fight the war and we will win it this time. 

       To my recent discovery I have found the prophecy that will win it- 

When the dragon age ends

and evolution begins

When the new era bends

with trouble and sins

When the silver egg hatches

in the light of the moon

When darkness shall latch

on the white heart of doom

When the seasons shall rise

with the dragons on wings

When to much alls despise

a hero she will bring

When with bravery avail

where save is to fail

When risen a heroine

where hate's comparison

The sparrow of hate

With the cinder of flame

Comes to fate

The end of this game  



          I held the white egg as I flapped my outstretched wings. I must hide it. I heard calls of pursuit, making me fly harder against the perilous wings that pushed me back. I scanned the ground, trying to find a place to find the egg. There. Among the coast lay a fiery island. I shot down trying to get to the Scorch Plains quickly. I had to do this, for dragons. I zipped down to the ground, landing roughly, but enduring most of the landing on my legs, rather then hurting the egg. 

             Moving swiftly, I layed it down on the ground, the burning heat made my insides feel as if they were on fire. A tear slid down my cheek and landed gracefully on the shell. "Goodbye my Cinder, Goodbye, ' I whispered, flying into the sky again. They would not find the egg, they would never find my child, even if it meant going to hell because of my choice. 


Sorry it's short, but I had to add it in. Decibel is Cinder's father by the way, I know its kind of confusing figuring out what gender some of the character's are, but Decibel is male.

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