The Rage in Bliss

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(Cinder POV)

        It is funny to see a world in uttermost confusion. It is hilarious to see the tables turn when your not looking. It's historical to see yourself turn into a monster feeding upon your enemies. Love is the losing side. Love is the one at its knees. Love is the one when begging for mercy, at the enemies feet. The question is, why do we love? Why do we purposely put ourselves on the ground to bow down to the weakest force of all. Why do we love? 

            I wanted to deny it, I really did, I wanted to swallow it down with my guilt. I didn't want to choke on it any longer. I was in love with that dragon. I was in love.... I was weak... I was the fallen angel. the angel that fell to earth, I broke my wings falling, tied down to the outstretched arms of misery. Love managed to catch me in its web.  

         When he had bowed down to me, I had felt this overwhelming feeling fluttering deep inside of me. The gates that had been enclosed forever around my heart had opened so willingly to him. Why? Why was such a weak feeling so strong? 

          I stared at the walls, they were a white color, not a single drop of blood stained them. They were so white, even a breath could contaminate their sleek architecture. I wanted to rip it apart. I wanted to  snap these humans, this world apart. My heart beat rapidly, my breaths wavered. I was alive. i was so alive. I was too alive. I had gone too far in life and now the consequences of death had sunken its fangs deep in my soul. I was fighting with death. i was fighting with love. I was in a three-sided battle, with life, love, and death. 

            There were deep cracks in these walls, from the claws of a dragon perhaps. Blood dripped from my muzzle, a fresh spray of crimson against the ivory-colored floors. I swallowed. 

            I closed my eyes for a second, drawing in a breath. One. Two. I never made it to three. The ground rattled, shaking at an alarming rate. What was happening?! Boom! Everything went silent, a ringing filled my ears. I opened my eyes to sunlight. It creeped into the room rapidly drowning the soft white walls in a sunburnt orange. I smiled. I was free. 

         Gathering myself to my feet, I began to slowly creep onto the soft green grass outside of where my cell had been. I sighed, enjoying the moment, as the pads of my feet rubbed against the itchy ferns. I was free. 

          "Help," a voice screeched, I turned to meet eyes with a small blue dragon. Her eyes were tawny with a hint of blunt green. "Please," she whispered, her voice young and quivery. I looked at her skeptically, her wing was stuck under a pile of fallen debris, The leathery flying gear was broken and looked bloody. I wasn't sure if she would ever be able to fly again. 

          I sighed, "Fine." Walking up to her and gently lifting the fallen debris from her broken wing. She slithered out from under it. I dropped it. 

            "Thanks," she panted. "I'm Ivory," she whispered. 

            "I-I'm..." I decided not to tell her my real name. I was Angel, Cinder, the dragon that brought death upon the land. "My name is Winter."  


REALLY SORRY! I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while, and I am sorry it's short!

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