Am I Falling For My Best Friend? [9]

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Chapter 9

Pov Emily

I went home the happiest I've been in a long time. I felt like singing I was so happy.

"Someone is happy today." I heard a voice call. I look over and see Jimmy my ten year old neighbor.

"Yes Jimmy I am very happy today."

"Happy enough to let me mow your lawn for ten dollars?" he asked.

"Sure sure just ask my mom." I said.

I ran upstairs to my room and put on my favorite song. Blasting it through the house. I was so damn happy. I think back to when Mike asked me out. I wasn't this happy. I was happy but not so happy I felt like flying. The feelings I had for Joey were much stronger then the feelings I had for Mike. I went over to my paint set and started to paint. I wasn't the best painter out there. But I was pretty good. No one except my mom knew I painted. After about twenty minutes I look at my painting. It was a field of flowers and green grass and maple wood trees while the sun was rising. My favorite time of the day. I look at the clock 8:09 it read. Should I call Sammie? Nah I don't think she would like me. Plus she lied to me. I know. I'll call Jaclyn my big sister who is making it big in college.

"Hey sis! Haven't heard from you in a long time. How are you? How is Mom?" she asked in one big sentence.

"Jackkyyy! I know its been to long. And me and mom are fine. I actually called to tell you something." I said excitedly.

"I'm ready to listen." she says.

I tell her all about the dipshit Mike and all about Joey(:

"You and Joey got together!?!?!? it's about time that happened!" She exclaimed into the phone.

I laughed. We talked on the phone for about a half an hour before she had to go.

Just as I put my phone down it started ringing again. It was Joey. My heart started beating faster.

Calm down Emily. I think to myself.

"Hey." I answer.

"Hey um Em I was wondering instead of the party could we go on a date?"

Party? What party? I think to myself. Then I remember the party. The end of summer/back to school party.

"Of course Joey! Did you think I was going to turn you down to go to some party? You're my boyfriend after all!" Boyfriend I liked the sound of that. Almost to much. I didn't want to like him more then he liked me. That would be a disaster. I don't want to get hurt again.

I hear him laugh on the other line.

"Em there is no way you like me more then I like you." I hear him say.

Shit! Did I say that out loud. Wow I'm stupid.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud."

I hear him chuckle. "I could tell."

We talked for about another hour or so then he had to go help his mom unpack.

I'm so excited. I have a date with Joey! Again I'm thinking why am I so happy. I have not been this happy in so long. I'm loving it.

Pov Sammie.

I look outside my window and see Emily walking home. She looks to happy. Which probably means they got together. Well they might be together now but not for long. I'm going to make a plan to break her heart. Which will be easy since she still thinks were friends. I cackle evily.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I hear my older brother ask.

"Patrick!" "What are you doing home from college!" I exclaim.

"I needed a break." he answered.

Just then I thought of something. I remember how my brother used to have a thing for Emily. He tried to hide it but it was pretty obvious. Him gazing at her whenever she was around. Him glaring at Mike whenever he was near her.

"Were you hoping Emily was over?" I ask in a mocking tone.

"Emily n-n-no w-why?" He stutters.

"Oh shut up I know you have a crush on her its pretty fucking obvious."

"Oh okay and your point?" He asks.

"She has a boyfriend."

"Oh." he says looking down.

This is perfect. He will break them up some how. I know my brother. And when he falls for a girl he falls hard. And I mean HARD. His last girlfriend dumped him and he was depressed for months.

"Well you see Patrick this guy plans to break her heart. He just wants to steal her virginity from her. And I don't want my best friend to get hurt like that." I say sadly.

My plans working! He looks fucking pissed.

"Why would someone want to do that to Emily? She is like the nicest girl in the world. Wait what happened to Mike?"

"He cheated on her with the head slut. That's what happened." I tell him.

"Then no fucking way is she getting hurt again. Where is the Joey guy?"

"He lives across the street but don't talk to him yet wait to bust him when he's with Emily. I can tell you the next time their going to be together."

"Yeah. Text her and ask." He demands. Wow he's pushy.

-Hey Emily I saw you walking home today you looked extra happy!<3 Sammie

-Yeah Joey and I are going out!! (: Emily

-Oh when's your first date???<3 Sammie

-Tomorrow night! (: Emily

-Oh fun! What are you doing?<3 Sammie.

-Idk it's a surprise but It doesn't matter as long as I'm with him everything is good (: Emily.

-Aww how cute. Anyways I have to go text me about your date tomorrow. <3 Sammie

"There going on a date tomorrow. She is going to miss the party and I'm thinking he's leaving around seven to pick her up. So be ready" I demanded.

"Okay boss" he joked.

Tomorrow night is gonna be a blast!

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