Am I Falling For My Best Friend? [10]

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Chapter 10

The date

Pov: Emily

I'm so nervous! I shouldn't be since this is Joey he is my best friend but then again now he is my boyfriend. The doorbell rang. I heard my mom answering the door and talking to Joey.

"Emily Joey's here!" My mother calls up to me.

I give myself a once over in the mirror. He said to dress casual and for my makeup I put on a little eyeliner and mascara to make my brown eyes pop.

Emily's outfit:

I walked down the stairs. I turn to see Joey. When he sees me he smiles. I blush and smile back. He's just so darn cute! We walk to the car in silence. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable silence.

"Emily close your eyes." Joey says when we get in the car. I do as he commands as close my eyes. Moments later I feel his lips on mine. He pulled away all to soon. I pouted.

"Joey woey I wanted more." I say.

He smiles. "Later Emily later." He answers.

We start driving toward the park.

"Joey are we going to our park???" I ask

"Am I really that predictable."

I smile. "yeah but our spot is my favorite spot in the world!"

"Well good because it's mine too."

A couple minutes later we arrive at out spot. It was beautiful. The moonlight hit the trees perfectly. I could see the moon dancing on the small pond.

"It's beautiful Joey." I said.

"So are you." He said.

I hear something rustling in the bushes.

"Must be some kind of animal just ignore it." I hear Joey say.

About an hour later after we had finished eating we were just laying there looking at the stars. With me thinking this is way better then Mike's first date with me. All he did was take me to some party where he got really drunk so I had to walk home.

I heard someone walking. Joey and I sit up and look around.

"Patrick? Is that you?" I ask the dark figure coming towards us.

"Who's Patrick?" Joey asked clearly confused.

"Sammie's older brother." I answer.

The dark figure walks closer and the moonlight hits him. It was Patrick.

"Patrick what are you doing here?" I ask

"This." He answers punching Joey so hard that he fell.

"What are you doing!" I scream bending down next to Joey.

"You okay?" I ask

"Yeah I'm fine." He says pulling me up with him.

"What the fuck was that?" Joey yells.

"Why don't you tell her what you were gonna do?" says Patrick.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"He's using you."

"No I'm not." says Joey his voice clearly hurt.

"I would never do that Emily and you know that. Don't believe him."

"I don't." I say glaring at Patrick.

'Who told you this?" I ask

"Sammie did. She's your best friend shouldn't you believe her?"

"No she hasn't been acting like a friend lately. Plus Joey has been my best friend longer then Sammie has." I answer getting pissed.

"Not to mention Sammie tried to seduce me early when she knew I liked Emily. Then lied saying she did hurting Emily." says Joey getting defensive.

"Wait you knew Joey before he came to live hear?" Patrick asks.

"Yeah we were best friend back where I used to live." Joey answers wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh sorry about the hit man. I just think of Emily as a little sister and I didn't want her to get hurt." Patrick says clearly sorry.

"It's fine dude." says Joey doing the little nod thingy guys do.

"Yeah just talk to your sister cause I'm not talking to her ever again." I say.

"Will do. See ya guys." Says Patrick walking away.

After he was gone Joey turns me around and says "You know I would never hurt you intentionally. Right?"

"Yeah I know." I say looking at him. He looks relieved.

"So..." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

He laughs and says "Okay Emily." wrapping his arms around my waist and kiss me.

Hope you guys liked itt(:

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