Am I Falling For My Best Friend? [13]

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Chapter 13

Pov Emily.

Its been two months since I've left. It's been two months since I've started a new school. It's been two months since I've seen or even talked to Joey. That's right, I haven't talked to Joey in two months. Yeah he loved me alright. He's probably forgotten about me.

I get up to get ready for another day at school with the most immature sex crazed guys and the most bitchy plastic barbie sluts. I really hate my new school. The only friends I have are Tina, a small petite Chinese girl, Andrea, she's average. Just. Like. Me. Also she understands the days when I don't feel like talking. The days I cant seem to get Joey out of my head. Those days are the worst. And last but not least. There's Parker. I loved him on the spot. Like a brother sister love. He just has the cute personality that was like a little kid. A ton of people thought we were dating because he's so clingy. He's always holding my hand, hugging me from behind, kissing my forehead. Ect. You know. Couple stuff. Truth is were just best friends. Even he knows about Joey and tries to cheer me up but in reality I haven't been my happiest since I cant even remember.

I get a text from Parker saying he was going to drive us to school since we were neighbors. I got dressed thinking about my old life. Yup. I could tell today was going to be one of those days. I put on gray skinny's and a lime green shirt on. I grabbed my Uggs and I was ready to go. I head downstairs for a quick breakfast of Cheerio's. Mmm, my favorite.

"Do you need a ride to school?" My aunt asked.

"Nope. Parker's driving me."

"Are you guys going out I mean you seem pretty close."

(See what I mean. I get asked this all the freakin time.)

"No were just friends. I'm still not over Joey."

Joey. Just saying his name made my heart sink. Does he miss me? Did he find another girl? Argh. I don't want to even think about it. Why cant I just forget him?

There's a car honking outside and I know it's my ride. I say goodbye to my Aunt and little sister and head out the door.

When I get in the car I notice something different.

"Parker!!! You got a new car! Omg it's not just a new car. It's my freakin dream car! Why did you do this to me. No. Nope. I'm driving. This. Is. My. Car."

I look over at him to see he's laughing up a storm.

"Yeah Em I know. I got it yesterday. For your information I was the one that showed you the car. It was my dream car first."

I pouted. "Fine. I guess you don't love me."

"You know I love you. You're my best friend."

We started off to school with easy flowing conversation. When we arrived at school I got out of the car and looked around. I caught the eyes of someone familiar. But it couldn't be. Could it? No it couldn't be he doesn't know where I live. I broke the eye contact and ran over to where Parker was standing.

"Emily what's wrong?"

"I swear I just saw Joey. I'm not kidding. We made eye contact."

I look back over to where I saw him but he was gone. I look around and see him walking towards us.

"Shit. Hey um Parker do you see that guy walking over here. Brown eyes, dirty blonde hair. Dodger sweatshirt (Woot Woot ;D That's My Team Right There).

"That's him? Wow you guys make the perfect couple." He said with edge to his voice.

I look in his eyes and see something different. Is that jealousy? Hmm.

"What do I do Parker!"

"You still like him don't you? It's kinda obvious on what you should do."

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I knew it was him. I took a deep breath and turned around.

"Hey Emily. Long time no see."


Holyy Shnapp! I didn't see that comingg! Haha. I seriously didn't its like my fingers were typing and my head was wrapped around All Time Low<3 Haha. Love Them. Kay Hope you like the Chappiee!

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