Scary Lady is WHAT NOW?!

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"Bullshit." Nico said immediately. Aware of how rude that sounded, he blushed. "I mean, you can't be."

"Actually," Natasha smirked. "I am. Well, not biologically, but I was a close friend of your mother."

"How?" Nico asked, before he could stop himself. Damn. He was always quick to rush into things when it came to his mother.

"It's... complicated. Even to me." She paused, obviously searching for the right words. Nico felt the beginnings of respect grow in him; she didn't just assume he wouldn't be able to grasp the information she had-- she didn't treat him like a näive child. "I met your mother in Venice, when I was on an... Assignment. I was... Twelve? Thirteen? No, twelve. She was much older than me, but somehow, despite the age gap, despite the fact she didn't know I was there on leave from Russia to kill people under the Italian communist regime, we became close. She was pregnant with your sister at the time , and though she didn't tell me who the father was, she made me godmother. A few days after Bianca's birth, she named me aunt as well. Two years later, I was still there, and though I hadn't physically aged a year, you were born, and I was made godmother of you, too. I was taken back to Russia only hours after you were born."

"When was I born?" was the first question that left Nico's lips.

"You don't--" Something like a mixture of pity and understanding flashed across her face. "March 21st, 1934."

"Not to be rude, but... How do you look so young?" Will asked.

"A mixture of cryo-freezing and... certain scientific measures that slowed my aging." Her tone said that they were not to venture back to that topic.

"Why are you here?" Nico asked with no particular tone.

Natasha smiled sadly. "Funnily enough, I got a call about you only two days ago, in Finland."

"Wow," Nico said dryly. "Social Service is right in top of it."

"It's only been about ninety years," Natasha smirked.

"Nico," Chiron said. "Natasha is here to take you with her."

Nico blinked, shocked. "Wh-what?"

"We'll be living in Manhattan, so you won't be going too far, and it only has to be for the school year."


"Don't worry," a hint of a laugh bled through Natasha's words. "It'll mainly be training, though I'll probably get a few friends to teach you some basic stuff."

"I'm going with him." Will said suddenly.

"Will..." Chiron's voice trailed off.

"No, Chiron." Will insisted. "He's my patient, and his wounds still need tending to. Besides," he glared at Nico. "Someone needs to make sure he doesn't do any Underworld-Y stuff."

"Will," Nico hissed. "We don't know if she--" he jerked his head towards Natasha. "knows."

"It's fine, Nico," Natasha assured. "Chiron told me everything. Besides, I'm clear sighted. As for Will coming, it's no problem with me."

Chiron looked as if he were debating the pros and cons of this arrangement. "Alright," he said. "The two of you should pack your bags."


Meh. Servicable.
So yeah the Italian Communist Party hadn't really come into power yet in the timeline but shhh pretend they were active.
Not gonna lie, I spent hours looking at Nat's timeline for this.

SO. Natasha, in the comics, was born circa 1921. Shit happened in the Red Room. She has a serum. I can't think about this much more without wanting to punch a bunch of people in the face whilst sobbing.


SHOULD NICO'S MOTHER BE FROM THE RED ROOM, TOO. I mean, I know how I'd incorporate it, but I don't know IF I should. What do you guys think?

(credit for that idea goes to so yeah)

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