Blasts From the Past

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"So, you're saying... Greek deities exist, you two are the children of two of them, and you've had two wars go on in the span of a year?" Steve sounded incredulous as he looked between Nico and Will.

"Sure, if you want to be cliche but concise with it," Nico shrugged. "But, uh, yeah."

"And Nico," it was Bucky who spoke. "You're...?"

"A blast from the past?" Tony supplied. "Jesus, how many of you are there?"

"Four," Natasha said. "Though there used to be a few more."

"Four?" Tony parroted.

"Yeah." Will confirmed, shifting in his seat. "Nico, Steve, Bucky, and--"

"And someone else." Natasha interrupted.

"Who?" Bruce asked.

"I can't tell you." Natasha said. Under the table, where only Nico could see, Clint grabbed Natasha's hand.

"It doesn't matter," Nico drew the attention away from his "aunt". "I mean... Do you really need to know?"

"Yes," Tony's response was immediate.

"Fuck you, Tony." Bucky said.

"That's Pepper's job," Tony smirked. "But fuck you, too, Barnes."

"That's Steve's job," Natasha shot back.

Nico made a choking sound and fell out of his chair. "Ow."

"Nico, watch your side." Will mothered. "I'm not going to re-stitch it so soon."

"Please," Clint scoffed, "I just met you and I can tell that if Nico tore open his side again, you'd sew it shut faster than Thor can say 'poptarts'."

Thor frowned. "I admit, I am rather fond of said delicacies, but I do not love them as much as people seem to think."

"Shut up Thor, don't ruin the meme." Tony protested.

"Is this conversation really happening right now?" Bruce asked no one in particular.

"I think it is," Natasha confirmed. "But maybe I'm just dreaming."

"More like having a nightmare," Clint noted as he watched Tony leant across the table towards Thor, all but screaming about memes and their impact on society.

Bruce sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Is..." Will looked taken aback. "Is it usually like this here?"

"Pretty much," Steve confirmed.

"I don't know," Bucky noted. "This is pretty calm for us."

"I'm getting a headache from all of Tony's 'scree'ing." Nico whined.

Will immediately stood up. "Hey!" He called in his best 'The Doctor Is Pissed' voice. "Shut up! You're giving my patient a headache!"

Tony looked as if he were about argue, until he saw the look in Will's eyes.

Many people think Will is a very nice guy; and he is, until you piss him off or are detrimental to his healing. When that happens, his eyes become stern and cold, and he seems to emit a harsh light. When he gets like this, you back the fuck off.

Tony sat down immediately.

"I apologize, Son of Apollo, Son of Hades," Thor looked very bashful.

"It's fine," Nico waved a hand. "I just need some caffeine."

"JARVIS," Natasha called out. "Can you get Nico some espresso?"

"Of course, Miss Romanoff," a disembodied voice replied, causing both demigods to jump in surprise. "It shall be ready shortly."

"What was that?" Will asked.

Nico blinked, fighting off some very bad memories of disembodied voices. "Yeah, seriously. What the Father was that?"

"That's JARVIS," Steve explained sympathetically. "He's Tony's A.I. butler."

"Oh, sure," Nico raised his eyebrows. "That's completely normal, Tony."

Tony looked Nico over. "You're a sarcastic little shit." His face split into a grin. "You and I are going to get along well, kid."



Do not mess with Will unless you have a death wish.

Basically things are gonna be going to shit before it gets serious

Auntie Widow ***DISCONTINUED*** // ~UP FOR ADOPTION~Where stories live. Discover now