Nico, Uh, "Likes" Will's Doctor Voice

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Will made a choking sound.

"Demigod?" Tony crinkled his nose. "What's that?"

"I--uhm--one minute." Nico pulled Will and Natasha out the door, pausing only to beacon Thor to follow. He ignored the pain that lanced through his side, and led them into an empty room.

"I am sorry," Thor apologized. "I did not realize you wanted to keep it a secret."

"It's fine." Will said.


"Nico," Will's voice was chastising. "He didn't mean--"

"No, I know, and it's fine, but I tore open my stitches."

Will sighed, and pulled the emergent kit out of his bag. "Damn it, Nico. Okay. Sit down and take off your shirt."

Nico obliged, surprisingly not embarrassed to do so. The wound on his side was the remaining claw mark left; of the gashes he'd gotten in Portugal, this was the last to heal, having been the deepest. As of now, it was only three inches long, one wide, and two centimeters deep. Pink scar-flesh surrounded it, though luckily it didn't look too rotten, thanks to Will.

Still, despite the progress made, it was oozing puss and blood through the bandage.

"Ouch," Natasha sucked in a breath when the wound was uncovered. "How'd you get that?"

"Lyacon's a dick," Nico replied simply. "Ow! Watch it with the alcohol, Will!"

"Sorry, your highness," Will rolled his eyes. "Thor, do you know how to make an Iris Message?"

"Yes, Son of Apollo."

"Great," Will said as he dabbed a small amount of a nectar-unicorn draught mixture on Nico's side. He paused to toss Thor a drachma. "Can you IM Dionysus?"

"Of course," Thor nodded.

"What?" Dionysus asked irritably when he was patched through.

"Lord Dionysus," Thor acknowledged, bowing his head. Dionysus grudgingly bobbed his in reply. "Will Solace and Nico di Angelo would like to speak to you."

"What do you brats want?"

Will spoke, though he never looked up from stitching Nico's side. "Hey, Mr. D. We-- stop squirming, Nico!-- need to tell Natasha's friends about the gods."

"Why?" Dionysus growled.

"It is my fault." Thor admitted humbly. "I only realized they were not to tell after I 'let the information spill', as the mortals say."

Dionysus groaned. "Fine. Go ahead. Just make sure you follow standard protocol."

With that, he ran a hand through this mist, and the message cut out.


"Sit down." Nico said as the four of them strolled into the room.

"Why?" Tony, ever defiant, questioned. "Also, I'll repeat: what's a demigod?"

"That's what we're going to tell you. So sit down!" Will snapped.

"Ooh, he's using his 'Doctor Voice'." Nico whispered to Natasha.

"Only because you just had to open your wound, di Angelo." Will glared at Nico, who flinched at the tone. He sighed. "Sorry. I'm... Sorry."

"It's fine," Nico said tersely, not looking at Will.


"It's fine Will," Nico said, and now Will could see the blush on his face. "Let's just get one with it."

Will paused to collect himself. "So. I take it you've heard of the Greek Gods?"



Wow. This is moving really fast.

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