Note (and, yes, this is still on hold)

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Hey, so, not an update, sorry.

This is something I'm posting on all my my PJO/Greek mythology related works; I just need all of y'all, as readers, to know something.

Hunters of Artemis are allowed to date other girls and otherwise nonbinary people. The literal vow is "I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt".

So it's bullshit-- complete and utter bullshit-- that Artemis would kick Hunters out for loving another woman.

First of all, it's swearing off dating men. Something that's always kinda bugged my about canon and fanon both is that many just assume that means swearing off dating other girls, or otherwise nb people. It doesn't. Wtf. That's really... homophobic.

Also, historically, maidenhood referred to a girl's virginity (it still does lmao), but they only considered virginity the act of not have having P-in-V sex. Especially in Ancient Greece, women were not given the right to their own sexuality, and, therefore they could not be sexually attracted to/have sex with other women. When, in Mythology, Artemis swore to be a forever maiden, she meant that she would not have sex with men. By extension, that is what was those sworn into the Hunt meant. And I honestly do not think that Artemis would-- or even could-- change that definition of maidenhood.

yeah. Swearing off men, sure. Says fucking nothing about girls (and yes! this includes transgirls! because trans girls fucking are girls, not guys), or nb people. Historically, there was no recognition of being trans*, but, as modern society progressed, recognition became a thing (tho it was still seen negatively :/). I don't think that Artemis would discriminate Like That; it doesn't fit her fucking personality.

Also, it literally doesn't make sense in actual Greek Mythology, or even canon itself??? Remember Kallisto????? She was willing to let Zeus, the immortal prick That Close To Her™ up until he revealed himself. That it.... not heterosexual. (and then the story of Kallisto brings up a whole 'nother rant about victim blaming, so on so forth, yada yada, saving that one for another day).

So yeah, fuck that whole thing with Josephine and Hemithea. In everything I write, Hunters of Artemis are not homophobic and transphobic. They will let anyone in so long as they don't identify as male (or as a demiguy, probably, but even then who tf knows!!!), and Hunters are allowed to date anyone who isn't a guy. 

Edit: yes Rick said that all forms of love (except like, family/comrade type love) are sworn off i know this stop telling me this. My point is I have a major issue with it (read the comments) and so will ignore it until the day i fucking die. (or, to sum it up in a quote that will fucken flash you back to 2012: "I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.")

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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