on hold,,,,

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hey y'all! so, sorry, but i'm gonna have to put his on hold ;-;

i really liked this but i have no idea at all what happens next i completely forgot the plot all i know is that Nico's mom was in the Red Room, and Will and Nico get weird but good lessons from the Avengers and I know who teaches what and all,,,,,,,, but that's all and there needs to be a you know. plot. 

So if any of y'all have ideas!!!! DM me or comment!! because i really want to write more, I love the dynamic between Will and Nico and Natasha and all of them but I just don't!!! have a plot!!! so yeah ideas are 100% welcome and in fact encouraged. Not necessarily promising I'll do exactly everything, but it will for sure inspire me and give me ideas!!!!!!

anyway thanks to all those who expressed their love for this story! I'm sorry I can't update for yall, because I really want to ;-; 


Auntie Widow ***DISCONTINUED*** // ~UP FOR ADOPTION~Where stories live. Discover now