The Tower of Compensation

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"Okay," Nico's neck ached from craning his head. "Seriously. Who even needs a building this fucking big?"

"Tony Stark," Natasha said offhandedly.

"Compensating, much?" Nico snorted derisively.

Natasha chuckled. "Probably. To be fair, though, this is the HQ of his business."

"He lives at work?" Will's eyes widened with disbelief.

"So do you, sometimes," Nico pointed out.

"Yeah. Sometimes. And only when a patient is seriously in need of constant care."

"Come on, lovebirds," Natasha called from the doorway. "We don't got all day."

"I--we're not--" Nico spluttered.

"I mean-- we aren't--" Will protested at the same time.

Natasha raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Sure. Seriously, though, let's get moving before the press get here."

"Press?" Nico asked as the group of three made their way toward the elevator.

"Yeah," Natasha said offhandedly. "I'm part of the Avengers, after all."

"The Avengers?" Will sounded as lost as Nico felt.

"You mean you don't--" Understanding crept across Natasha's face. "Oh. Right. Things were happening for you, too. Basically, we're a group of superheroes who fought off some aliens that decided to invade Manhattan, and we were made icons. Which sucks for me, being a spy."

"Hm. I had heard about all the destruction around here, but I just assumed it was some godly stuff." Will shrugged as he spoke to himself.

"Group?" Nico asked.

"Yeah. Me, the infamous Black Widow; Clint, aka Hawkeye; Tony Stark, the douchebag behind Iron Man; Bruce Banner, who turns into a rage monster called the Hulk; Thor, the Norse god of Thunder--" Will and Nico looked at each other with a look that read more gods? "And, finally, Steve Rogers, aka--"

"Captain America?!" Nico's voice cracked in excitement.

"Yep," Natasha said, paying no mind to the tone of Nico's voice. "And Bucky's technically part of the group, but he still has to be officially recognized."

"Bucky?" Nico said weakly. "Oh my gods..." he leant against the wall for support. "I-- they're--" a very surprising, high-pitched squeal left Nico.

"Nico, why--oh, Di Immortales." Will face palmed.

"I take it he was a Cap fan back in the 40's?" Natasha smirked.

"That's an understatement." Will sighed. "His cabin is covered in posters. He got a TV somehow, and he has literally every documentary, tv show, movie and propaganda film to ever exist-- not to mention a butt-load of comics and figurines."

"I--PFFFFFFFFT--- noooo," Nico spluttered, obviously embarrassed.

Natasha raised a brow. "Do you want to meet them right now?"

"Yes!" Nico exclaimed with obvious excitement. He blushed and, as if trying to hold onto the lingering shreds of his apathetic façade, tried again. "I mean, uh, sure."

Will chuckled as Natasha led them back to the elevator. "You're such a nerd."

"Shut up, Sunshine."

Fuck. There it was again.

"Sunshine, huh?" Will mused. "I like that."

Natasha looked them over. Will's gaze was soft and reverent as he gazed at Nico, who was looking anywhere but at Will and fighting furiously to rid his face of its blush. They were very obviously in the beginnings of love, and it made Natasha sick in the best way.

Auntie Widow ***DISCONTINUED*** // ~UP FOR ADOPTION~Where stories live. Discover now