The princess and the new law

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Quick discription of  Hermione's house (Ron doesn't live with her): kitchen is white marble floor and counters, kitchen island. Living room is huge with a flat screen TV. Library has 1,000 books that are charmed to change after she finishes it. And her own walk in closet in her bedroom that has her canopy bed and makeup table. Ok time for the story!

Hermione's POV.
I am the princess I was always told this, always called this. Ron was my prince. I lived in my palace. It worked, till it didn't. We were called over for an emergency order meeting. Once there, Molly told us the HORABL news! "There is a new marriage law. And the ministry has your pairs right here." Ok so I will faint in .5 seconds so they better say the pairs soon! "Bill you and Flur are safe from the law, just like Charlie since you are married and Charlie lives in Romania. Now the pairs are...
George and Katie Bell
Percy and Penelope Clearwater
Ginny and Harry
Neville and Luna
Oliver Wood and Angelina Johnson 
Ron and Lavender Brown
Fred and..."
Oh no who will I be with! I beat it's Malfoy. That's just the kind of thing the universe would do! I started to cry a river. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Ron yelling " I refuse to marry that thing they put me with!" Everyone shushed him while Fred, Ginny, and Harry came to calm my crying down. Molly went to say the last pair "Fred and Hermione..." What? I must have heard wrong! The princess with the jester? That is not what I had learned growing up! I was supposed to marry my prince. But Fred is hot... No I can't think like that!That was the last thing I thought  before I blacked out.
~3 hours later in Ginny's room~
I wake up to see the Weasly's all around me. I can hear Molly and Ginny crying about me not waking up yet, Harry and Arthur comforting them, George and Percy whispering about my fainting, Bill and Charlie talking about the law, Flur checking my condition, but mostly I heard Ron and Fred's argument. It went like this, " You stole her!" "It's not my fault it's the ministry's" "You just want her for a shag and then you will leave her! This is not a joke Fred!" I had enough of it. I felt my wand in my pocket and apreated away with a *pop* and went to my house. I decided to go to bed so I changed and went to bed with one thought on my mind. All hell has broken loose.
Ginny's POV
We heard a pop and hermione was gone. I knew she had to have woken up and went home. She probably heard the boys argument. I went to her house and found her asleep on the bed. I got out the cot and slept on the ground.
~next morning~
I made breakfast after calming hermione down. We decided to have a girls day at hogsmead and diagon ally. Those boys better get there act together for this law! Hermione and I are good with our curses. And to quote a muggle "Hell hath no fury like an angry woman"

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