Harry and Ginnys wedding

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I'm only doing Harry and Ginny's wedding, Luna and Neville's wedding, and Fred and Hermione's wedding. So it's February 16th and everyone but Luna, Ginny, and Hermione have gotten married to there parter. Here we go.
Hermione's POV
The wedding was great. We are now at the reception party and its time for my speech. "I've known Ginny since my second year and we've been great friends since, but I knew Harry for longer than that. I see them both as the siblings I've never had and I'm so glad they can be happy together. Ginny has liked him since she was little, and we all know that, but Harry was to thick to realize it till 6th year when she was dating Dean. I think they are the perfect couple and I wish you many years of happiness." I sat down and everyone clapped, Ginny was even tearing up! We all then went out on the dance floor. I danced with many people, including Luna and Ginny and most of the males. Ginny and Harry danced with everyone. I was eating a pastry when someone covered my eyes. "Guess who?" A voice whispered in my ear. "Fred" I laughed as he chuckled and kissed my cheek. Over the last few months we really bonded and acted a lot more like a couple. We danced for a bit till it was time to go home. George took me and Fred home through the flue network. When we got home George went to bed and me and Fred went to the couch. I cuddled up into him and he started to play with my hair. "That was a great speech love" he said. "Thanks. I worked hard on it. I hope there honeymoon in Cuba is nice. " I looked at him and said "So are you going to tell me where our honeymoon will be?" I gave him the puppy dog eyes and he chuckled. "Nope. That would ruin the fun" he said kissing my cheek. I kissed him on the lips and we kissed for awhile till I got up and said "Race ya to the chocolate!" Then bolted to the kitchen. "Oi no fair!" I heard him yell. I grabbed the chocolate bars and ran to my room. I went to my closet and hid in the corner. I started to eat the chocolate as fast as I could. Fred came in a few minutes later and I put the last chocolate bar in between my teeth. He came over to my and ate some of the chocolate I was going to eat. He then kissed my head goodnight and left to go to bed. I changed into my pjs and then went to sleep.
Here you are my lovelies. Only 6 chapters left!

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