Briddal shower

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Lunas back from her honeymoon. Date June 21st
Hermione's POV
Ginny, Luna, and I were at 12 grimold place for my bridal shower. We were playing some games, dancing, drinking, and having fun. We so far have played Monopoly, Clue, Life, T or D, never have I ever, Blackjack, Pictionary, scrabble, and Jenga. I had brought over a TV and some movies so we watched Pride and Prejudice,Beauty and the beast, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Le miss, Phantom of the opera, and some Charlie Brown movies. We finally went to sleep at 3:00 am.
Fred's POV
George, Lee, and I were at the flat and we were drinking and playin pranks. We played some games too. (Idk what guys do at these parties and I'm trying to keep it PG 13 so) We watched some movies on the tee-vee. We finally called it a night at 2am.
So this chapter sucks but the next one will be very long so I hope it makes up for this one

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