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Last chapter 😭😭😭😭 just so sad. I'm gonna miss you all and miss writing this. Please read my other books so I can still see all of you lovely readers. 19 years later I'm changing some of there ages
Hermione's POV
"JEAN AND GEORGE WEASLEY GET IN HERE NOW!" I yelled. My 5 year old twins came in the room giggling. "Why did you take Jessica's blanket. You know that she needs it to keep herself calm." They look disappointed in themselves and give it to there 3 year old sister. We were going to the station today to drop off Rose and Hugo off today. Rose was a year 4 with James, Hugo and Albus were first years. Lily was going next year with my daughter Dora, after Tonks, Daisy, Luna's child, and Periwinkle, Ron's child. Lilian, Percy's child, was a 6th year with Viclore. And Teddy was a 7th year. He got head boy this year and I couldn't be prouder. My other 3 kids Jean, after my mom, George, after well George, and Jessica, we're not happy about Hugo going. I finally got them to the station and we went to the potters. "Hey Hermione! Where's Fred?" Ginny asked. "Right here" he said coming up and kissing my cheek. The train whistled and we said goodbye to all of the kids while they bordered the train. I saw Rose and Scorpio together and smiled. The train left and we all waved goodbye. I leaned into Fred and thought back on my life. Fred kissed my head and I smiled. I don't regret a thing on it.
That's it. That's the end. No one touch me 😭😭😭😭😭😭. I'm ok. I'm ok. I hope to see you guys in my other books or in other books. For the last time. Bye everyone!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭
Everyone: Bye!!!
Me: *crying* bye everyone
Hermione: *hugs me*

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