Stay awake, stay alive. And whatever you do, please dont die

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Disclaimer. I own nothing! Future  Hermione will talk with us at the end of the chapter.

Fred's POV
I kept saying the same thing my mom told me when I got hurt. Stay awake, stay alive, and whatever you do, don't die. Ginny and I brought Hermione here after we found her passed out on the ground. The healers told me it was due to stress, but I heard the nurse talking to Hermione, "to wake her up faster" the healers said,as I was leaving "Those boys. Only you and I know the real reason was because of a betrayal of your soulmate. Boys am I right!" I thought she was crazy. Talking to a person in a coma expecting an answer. But I saw Hermione's head move up and down. "That boy must show you he loves you soon.  I know you can do it sweetie. Just open those pretty little eyes of yours and wake up for your old best baby sitter!" The nurse was her baby sitter? Weird. Anyway I better get back home to mum and forge.
Hermione's POV
Black. That's all I see. Every once in a while  I hear a voice. One that I haven't heard in years. Mostly I hear crying or a male voice saying what my mum said to my dad years ago when he went into a coma from a car accident for a week. "Stay awake stay alive and whatever you do, don't die. I've lost all track of time in this place. Finally I see a blinding white light and I see what looks like a memory. I see a girl and her sister probably playing dolls and giggling. The scene changes with a flash. I then see the same girl crying while her sister calls her a freak. I see a girl, Lily I think, talking to a boy, James probably, they seem to be arguing about something. Suddenly the seen changes. I see Lily and a new boy, Snape it looks like, talking and laughing. Suddenly he gets thrown into the air. Everyone laughs but Lily who is yelling at James to put him down. James says something but I can't hear it. All I hear is Snape yelling "I don't need help from a mudblood like her!" I see Lily cry and run away. I want to follow and comfort her, but the scene changes again. James and Lily are  in there 7th year, it looks, and in the heads dorm. They were talking when he pecks her mouth and drags her outside. This time I am able to follow them outside. They start dancing and twirling around. The scene changes one last time and I see Lily crying and James comforting her. Then there's a crash from downstairs. James runs off to it, but Lily, and me apparently, run into a baby's room. I see Lily conforting a scared baby Harry. I hear the door break open and see voldimort walk in. He tells her to move but she says no. After the 10th time of that, he says the spell and all I see is a green flashing light. I see her body fall and feel cold. Like I was hit with the curse too. I take a quick glance at Harry and feel a little better after seeing he is ok. I wake up suddenly an see Lily looking at me. "Those are all of my memories. They are called the "best and worsts". They show someone's whole life in as few of memories as possible, but with your best and worst memories only." I stared at her as she gave me a quick hug. She took out a potion in a vile. It looked ghastly, but when she said "drink", I did. We came to me as a little girl, magically levitating my books. Then it changed to me getting my letter to Hogwarts.  The scene changed again to when I first met Harry and Ron. Then it went to 2nd year when Draco called me a mudblood.  Then the twins leaving Hogwarts and Fred winking at me on the way out. It changed again to when I opened my letter saying that Fred was my soulmate and we had to marry. It changed one final time Fred and Angelina kissing. Lily and I came back and she hugged me. I wanted to lighten the mood so I said "At Least we are mudblood buddies". She laughed and said "I guess we are". She got Sirius(A/N I felt punny today. I had to) and said" you've been out for four days you must go back". She kissed my head and I woke up. I was in a strange room that was bright and smelled like a hospital. I must be at one. I heard crying and heard Fred say "Gin. Give it time. She will wake up soon." He left the room to get lunch and, without opening my eyes, I said "Think they would notice if I took off?" I opened my eyes and she tackled me in a hug. Fred walked back in and hugged me too. Ginny, being herself and "shipping Fremione" as she put it, shoved both our heads together to make us kiss. We took up from there quickly on our own and the rest well....

Hermione: that last part did not happen. All that happened was that Ginny pushed our heads together and we pecked each other really quickly. It was the beginning of our romance story. Not the middle of it! Why would you write that!?
Me: you wouldn't tell me so I asked Fred and that's what he told me!
Hermione: FRED WEASLY!
Fred: yes love?
Hermione:*drags Fred into other room*
Me *hears girly Yelp and a big bang * I'm sure he's fine *heres another bang* I will have George check on them later. Till next time bye!
*hears faint scream and Hermione yelling "it is not ok to say "I don't want any nieces or nephews yet"!"*

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