Truth or dare and a shock

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Hermione's POV.
"Fred truth or dare?" I ask
"Uhhhh..... Dare" He responds nervously. This will be good
"I dare you and Ron to skip dinner and instead sing the songs that Ginny and I choose throughout dinner while wearing what ever we dress you up in" I answer
"Fine. What are the songs?" He asks. This will be fun
" Let it go, Love is an open door, All I want for Christmas, Shake it off, Blank slate, and Fly"I answer. "Gin, what are your songs?" "Summer, Lean on, Stand by you, Last Christmas,  Micky Mouse Club house theme song, I knew you were trouble, and Roar" she answers confidently.
*after the game which is boring cause everyone chose truth to avoid Hermione and Ginny's dares*
We dress Fred up like Elsa from frozen with makeup and Ron in a tight pink dress that ends mid thigh and give him makeup like Fred's, blush, bright red lipstick, cat eyes, and yellow eyeshadow. When we walk in everyone laughs as I explain what is happening, even Molly! Once we finished dessert, George decided to yell out "Sing heartbreak song as a duet!" Them singing that was so funny!!!!
After that show we decided to go to our rooms. Once there I saw two letters. One was from my parents that was short but see and read:
Dear my sweet angel,
I hope you are well. Your father and I are. I heard about the law and while your father is in his over protective dad mode, I support you with whatever you choose. Sorry this is so short but I must go. Can you come for tea next week with your new fiancé? I hope you can make it. Write me your reply
Lots of love,
Your mother
Sometimes I really do miss them. I write a quick letter back telling her I can come and possibly bring Fred. The second letter is from Kingsley. It reads,
Dear Hermione,
I must tell you. With the law you must now bear a child within 3 years of the marriage. I am so sorry my dear. I wish I could help you with this. If you need any help or want more information on the law please come to me.      So sorry,
That was sweet of him, I do think of him like a father....... WAIT DID IT SAY KIDS!!?!? I.....I... I can't have kids! My vision blacked and I passed out. When I woke up it was all white everywhere.  I saw dumbledoor and Lilly and James. And tonks and Remus and Serious! I run up to them and hug them all. Lily thanks me for helping Harry. We all talk like they never died when tonks and lily came up to me saying "You have to go back now. We will see you later my dear. Take care!" I woke up in St. Mongoose and saw Ginny asleep next to me. She explains after nearly killing me with a hug that I passed out and was out of it for a week. Wow. It was about 10:00 so I went to bed. That night was the start of my no more war nightmare but instead weird dream nights.

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