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"Gotta go Yaz."Carter kissed my forehead.

"Wait what?"I opened my eyes.He was all dressed up with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"I have to go to school.I'll see you when I get back.Ok?"He smiled.

I grinned."See you later."

"Bye."Then he was gone.

I looked at the time.7:45.

I have to get to the station by 10 so I can sleep a little longer.

Ugh.Paperwork.Boring.I sidetracked and searched up Marco.

A recent report?

Finally Marco Julio Ramirez was caught at an old cabin in Pennsylvania.

It was said he was trying to escape before the cops stopped him.George,a police officer,said he tracked him there using a cellphone in the cabin.

My cell phone!?!

George thought they might be too late but caught Marco in time.We can always leave it up to these guys to do the job.

Wow.I can't believe this.And I didn't even have to do anything.

But it isn't over.Threats have been sent to the police department saying that one of Marco's friends will blow the station up.Killing all the present people.We don't know if its true.Or when it will be?Our sources say that Marco should be released so they can cancel the bombing.So what do you think?Tell us in the comments below.

Oh no.That's why I never said anything once I got back.I can't believe George did this.

I need to speak to him right away.

Knock knock.

"Come in"He spoke.

I opened the door."Hey."

"Whats up?Glad your back.Safe and sound I see."

"Yeah.What's going on with Marco?"

George sighed."Nothing.Its ridiculous. Just a stupid threat."

"A stupid threat!That guy is dangerous!He held us captive for a month ! He helped us get out.He helped us escape with a book he left behind.I know what he did was wrong but this is worse.And if his guys are as bad as him then we don't know what could happen.You have to do something. "

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