Chapter Five: Jealousy? No!

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Chapter Five:

I woke up the next morning, my breath smelling sweet. I sat up, stretched, and of course, yawned. I prepared my uniform, brushed my teeth. You know. Morning things. I changed went downstairs and sat at the table. Mom had prepared some pancakes, waffles, French toast, all coming with syrup. A sweet scent of mangoes was coming down the stairs. Sachi. She sat down across the table, a huge smile glided upon her face. "What happened to you, Miss Sweet Smile? Got your first virtual kiss?" I teased. Sachi rolled her eyes and looked at her phone, "No! My friend, Hana, said that she overheard the teachers talking about a new transfer student! It's a guy, and he's supposed to be from America! His name's Ryan, and he's transferring to my class!" "" "So? It's a TRANSFER student! From AMERICA! Foreign! Have you no interest in the foreign nations of the world?!" "Not..really." "Hopeless!" 

Sachi sighed loudly and started to eat some pancakes. Suddenly, loud footsteps came down the stairs. "I'm hungry~~~~!" yelled Momoko as she hopped off the last few steps. Natsumi calmly following behind. Lastly came my dad, walking down the stairs, his back slouched. He seemed tired. "Good morning, dad." I said, gathering his attention. He blinked a few times and stretched, "Yeah, morning." We ate breakfast together and gathered everything we needed for the morning. I walked outside, leaving Natsumi, Momoko, and Sachi. I looked towards Haruhi's house, Henry and Haruhi both seemed to have left. 

I walked along the sidewalk, and went inside the school building. Totoro ran past me while holding her phone next to her ear, as if someone was talking to her through phone. "Wait?! Two against one? Hang on- I'm almost there!" Wondering what was going on, I followed her quickly, leading to our classroom. The desks were slammed against the walls of the classroom, guarding a little arena with three students in the center. The first person I saw was Haruhi, her face giving off a deadly aura. I looked at her opponents, my two twin cousins. Shiori and Yui were also in the ring. Totoro stepped over desk and so did I. "Hey! What's going on here?!" asked Totoro, turning her phone off. "Little tater tots here lost her cool just because we were picking up her notebook for her!" "As if! You guys were looking at it!" Haruhi leaped up, and tackled Yui. Her feet landing on Yui's shoulders.

I stepped forward, "Hey!" Yui's pissed off glance shooting towards me. " Just in time! Get your stupid girlfriend off of me and into a containment cell!" Before I could say anything Haruhi headlocked Yui with her legs and forecully leaned forward, making a flip in the air to smash Yui to the floor. Yui had a tough personality but a weak body. So as soon as she slammed to the floor, a loud heart piercing scream was suddenly heard. "Eh-hyeaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Shiori flashed to get her pained sister, "Yui!" Totoro dashed to aid the two and help bring Yui to the nurse's office. Before she left she glanced to me, "Take Haruhi to Daisuke-san!" "Wha-" "NOW!" 

[To make this more interesting, imagine the next scene happening in slow motion while badass music you'd usually hear during a villain's explosion scene plays in the background. Slow motion. Badass music. Play.]

I ran towards Haruhi and locked her in my arms, carefully flipping her so she'd be on my back. [Back flip.] "Takahiro! Let go!" I shook my head, "No can do. Detective's orders." I ran and jumped over the desks, skimming on to the floor. I had no idea where the Detective's Office was so I winged it and looked through the doors, coming to a room of which I could see Daisuke relaxing in. "Daisuke!" I opened the door and tossed Haruhi slightly in the air. She fell to the floor on her knees, sliding a bit. "Gosh damnit! What the h3ll, man?!" she said, standing up, looking as if she were up for another fight. I looked at Daisuke, "She's all yours." I turned around quickly, closing the door behind me. 

I sighed slowly and walked back to the classroom. Totoro coming back at the same time. "How'd it go with Yui?" I asked, starting to put the desks to their rightful place. Totoro smiled nervously, "There's a chance she may have broken a bone or two...Your uncle's supposed to be coming by to pick her up and drive her to a hospital. So, worry not for now."

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