Crazy Guys!

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As I smelt it, the smell of guy werewolfs the door banged opened and I was surrounded by gourguse and I mean sexy, hot make ya melt at sight guys. Getting passed the good looks I took a devincive stance and let out a growl as my eyes changed color and my hair grew longer as my nails elongated. That seemed to catch the boys off guard and got them to back off a bit. As I'm staring them down I catch the eye of the top dog he steps forward and starts to speak. "what is your reason to be here." I narrow my eyes and growl out a response "I heard that there is room for a person to stay." The Alpha (I assume that he was the Alpha) narrowed his eyes as well and spoke with a gruff voice "yes there is a room opened but I don't take rogues in." I stand there for a second and think about my situation. I need to a place to stay because Ash can't live in a car, I also need money or we will starve so I guess this means I have to make them take us in no quiestions asked or I tell them our story. I'll go with the first one. "Are you the Alpha" I quiestion to see if this is who I need to talk to I see only three but that doesn't mean there is one or more in the house and not here surrounding me. He shakes his head yes and I think of the only threat I can "Am I going to have to chalenge you or will you save me the extra time and just let us say here and pay rent?" The Alpha lets out a vicouse growl because I was practically chalenging him and I decided to scare him a bit. Using I'm Alpha speed I zap around him catching him off gaurd and put him on his back with a little self defence move and quiestion him again. "Can u just let us stay so I don't have to do this again?" All of a sudden a loud ringing sound blasts through the air making us cringe and cover our ears. When it stops something makes me remember Ash and I run top speed to the car and rip the door open to find my baby about to cry. I just about rip the seat belt off in my hurry to get him out to him calm down the only time he has cried was when I found him. I cradle him to my chest and start a shushing session to try to quiet him. "Shush mommy is here, mamas got ya, its ok, everything will be alright" I say as I rock him and look into the beautiful big green eyes that I have come to love. I know Ash has the knowlegde of a 16 year old but i guess he can sill be a baby because ge is one...Wait a dog garn minute who made the sound 'Ash did you make the sound' I question telepathically because I know he hears me. 'No that wasn't me...I think' he responds back. I look up and see all the guy looking at each other like the r using the pack link to communicate without me hearing. I clear my voice to get the Alphas attention. "I don't know about you but I think we better get inside because I have no idea what that noise was, and it could be dangerous and I guess while we are inside well have a chat" I say as I'm walking to the door. The Alpha gives a grunt and follows me in not stoping me. The only thing going through my head as I walk up the steps are 'I better not cry'.

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