Hours Long

145 3 4

As the hours passed by, and the distance got longer my thoughts begain to wonder. Why did the wolf gods bring me Ash? Why does Ash have these powers? WHY DOES THIS KID EAT SO MUCH!? As quiestions flew through my head i turn dont a road leading to Cheyenne, Wyoming. This pull in me waz leading me north, why i have a pull i dont know i just have this felling to go north. As i was trying to figer out why i have a pull i hear my adopted son Ash's baby voice go in my head "mo'mo" i   look over and ask him out loud "yes baby?" "Stop" he tells me, for some reason it was like his baby voice became like an adult giving me an order that i couldnt say no to, an Alpha order. I pull over with a confused mind,i stop and unbuckle my seat belt and turn to Ash. "Why did u say stop, how did u give me an Alpha order?" i quiz the baby in the seat next to me. "Mo'mo tired, Mo'mo needs sleep two"Ash tells me 'oh great now im being told by a baby what  i need' i sarcasticly say in my head. "Alright ill get some sleep, do u need anything before i get some shut eye?" Being in the middle of no where and having a town that was about another 2 day ride away, i was a little scared to shut my eyes for fear of something happening to Ash."No Mo'mo" to make me feel better i lean my seat as far back as i could and pick Ash up so i could have him in my arms to know his is ok while i sleep. As i start to dose off to sleep i hear *I'll protect him while u sleep* 'thank u Luna, my wolf'...

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