Grape Juice

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'~.~'Hey guys, i just wanted to know if i should do a storie with this or not. Im a beginner and things may not be right but i hope yall can help me through this maybe even give me ideas. So here we go!!'~.~'

When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and watch every one think, how the hell you did it! That use to be my saying when i was layed back and enjoying life....liike i said 'use to be' it burned with my friends and family.On October the 23 they all died my pack, friends, and family all gone in a couple of hours. That day was a nightmare in its self. I watched the house crumble in dispare.  I was coming home from an extra long boxing practice. I smelt it before I saw it, as I ran up the drive way to the pack house all i could think was "please let me be wrong!' At the top of the driveway i saw many cars but no people  thats when i remembered we had a pack meeting every one had to go. The house was in full flames by then. I screamed out names of my loved ones. I screamed for my beloved little brother. "Bane, Bane,Mom, Dad" I screamed hoping to get a answer. 'Snap' a tree branch snaps and i stop my screaming and zoom in my hearing. Crying and growls bring me runing twards the sounds, hope and dread consomes my mind. I stop at the edge of a clearing. An infent is crying in the arms of a woman, blood is every where, on the babes blanket and on the dead woman. I look twards the growls and see three rogues advancing on the infant, on instinct i growl a viseouse booming growl. The rogues jump in suprise and turn to me. My Alpha blood spurs to life as i dont change but my nails grow 2 inches longer, my cainien teeth elongate, my breath quickins as my eyes change color, my hair grows longer and i see red. My wolf takes lead in my head as her mother instencs kick in. Bodys flying, blood every where and fur turning a rustic color. In three seconeds i whip out the three rogues. My body goes back to normal and i walk over to the baby and pick him up. I look in to large green staring eyes, then the baby startles me by giggiling and laughing its baby laugh. I smile and then look over to the woman. Never seeing this woman before brang me to the concluson of them being rogues. As my soon to be Alpha mind worked to find and answer as to why a mother with an infant child would be rogues was beond me. I looked down at the kid tinking what do i do with you the answer can instently. "Mama rogue I promise i will take care and protect your baby with every thing in me, he wil be my family now"I whisper in the brease.

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