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Kevin and Jawn took a cab to St. Marts hospital, where Kevin said Jawn's possible flatmate worked. Jawn was attempting to curl his hair with his wireless portable curling iron, but he was having a bit of trouble due to his extremely short haircut. He wanted to look amazing when he met his new flatmate.

"Jawn, whatcha doing?" Kevin asked.

"I NEED TO MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION! GOD, KEVIN YOU'RE SO INSENSITIVE," Jawn exclaimed. He continued trying to curl his hair. He attempted to make one tiny lock slightly wavier than the others.

"PERFECT!" Jawn screamed. Jawn's sudden outburst scared the driver and caused him to swerve and almost hit a streetlamp.


Jawn remained silent the rest of the trip.

The cabbie took a deep breath as he pulled up to St. Marts hospital. "Ok, gentlemen, we're here," he said.

"THANKS NEW FRIEND," Jawn said loudly as he chucked some money at the cabbie and slid out of the car on his stomach while squealing "whee!"

"Come on Jawn, we have to go this way," Kevin said when Jawn started to run toward a planter.

Jawn spun around on his heels and followed Kevin. Soon they came up to the building's front doors, and they entered. Kevin led Jawn down some halls until they reached the morgue.

"He's in here," Kevin said. Jawn pranced into the room. The morgue was empty.

"Dis a bit different from ma day," Jawn said thoughtfully as he looked around the morgue.

There was a few minutes of quiet before Jawn spoke again.

"WHERE'S MAI NEW FLAT BUDDY?" Jawn asked loudly.

"Um, maybe on a lunch break or something?" Kevin said thoughtfully.

Suddenly the doors to the morgue burst open in an explosion of white light. The melody to "Supermodel" by RuPaul played loudly from unseen speakers. Glittery blue smoke filled the room.


A figure suddenly emerged from the smoke. He was fairly tall, and was wearing a swishy trench coat with a purple shirt and a blue rhinestone scarf that matched the smoke.

Jawn was momentarily stunned.

Jawn could see him clearly now. He had green eyes, black curly hair, and freaking mountains for cheekbones. In all, Jawn thought he was fantabulous.

"Who... who da muffins are you?" Jawn stammered.

The music stopped.

"I'm Sherlawk Homles, bitch," The figure answered.

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