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Jawn say patiently in the car for the rest of the drive. He was quiet except for the occasional shriek. The lady got annoyed at him every time he made a noise.

Finally they pulled into a driveway. Jawn remained in the car staring off into the abyss of space and time. He would've stayed like that forever probably if that lady didn't bitchslap him awake.

They got out of the car. Jawn looked around and noticed that they were in the parking lot of a grocery store.

The lady made a "go ahead" motion to Jawn. He misinterpreted her directions and flew away. It took the staff of the grocery store a while to get him down from the top of a nearby building he decided to roost on. The lady didn't do anything to help, she sat in the car updating her Facebook status.

Once he got down, everyone wanted to know how Jawn flew. He answered by screaming at them. Jawn finally went inside the store.

It was brightly lit, filled with colorful cans and bags. People wandered around the store with long lists which they kept glancing at before scurrying off to get their groceries. Jawn didn't know what he was supposed to be looking for in the store. He wandered around the store, occasionally stopping to aggressively interrogate a few soup cans.

Finally he got the the produce section. In one display, among the lettuce was a head. A human head. Jawn screamed.

The head suddenly moved. Jawn discovered that it wasn't a severed head, but a person behind the produce section sticking his face through to the lettuce display. He simply laughed.

"Come with me if you want to live," he said. He backed away into the leafy greens, completely obscuring his face.

Jawn checked to make sure no one was looking, and he too climbed into the lettuce.

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