Chapter Fifteen

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Kennedy Onika "Nicki" Maraj.

Kennedy rolled her eyes in disgust as she folded her laundry. "And just yesterday, hip-hop mogul Drake was spotted out with Lira Galore just a week after her very public, very messy break up with Rick Ross. Catch the story exclusively on E! News after this break." Not even sticking around to catch the televised gossip, Kennedy grabbed her remote and turned the TV off all together before picking up the stack of undergarments and taking them to her closet.

I need to go out, get him out of my head. With that thought in mind, Kennedy went back to her bedroom after shutting the mahogany drawer and picked up her phone off her bed. She used her thumbprint to unlock her gold iPhone 6s and scrolled down her contacts. She clicked her friend's name and placed her phone on speaker then waited for her to pick up the phone.

"You've reached Kylie, sorry I'm not available right now, please leave a na- " Kennedy ended the phone call before her voicemail could pick up and quickly typed out a message to her.

Sent >> Answer your fucking phone Kylie. I need a girls night like yesterday.

After sending the message, Kennedy took her laundry basket back downstairs to her laundry room and decided to clean up her three bedroom condo to keep herself occupied. But, even as she washed dishes, HE seemed to occupy her thoughts.

Three weeks ago

"I love you too much to let go," Kennedy heard him say as his lips left open-mouthed kisses along her neck, just behind her ear. Her own lips curled into a smile, but she quickly pulled away to look him in his eyes. "Do you believe me when I say I'm sorry"?

Kennedy paused, her smile faltered a little bit, then she reached her hand up and ran her slender fingers through his curls. "It's so hard not to believe you, I don't think I want to but I just do". She kissed his lips reassuringly which he wasted no time in deepening. He loved the feeling of her soft lips against his, the always sweet flavor of her mouth, the way her hands always pulled him just a little bit closer.

Kennedy pulled away from the kiss momentarily and pulled down the hem of her maroon slip dress, causing his eyes to follow every movement. "Why do I feel like there's a 'but' coming?" Drake asked her, not taking his eyes off of her silky thighs. He reached for her hand and she pulled it away and backed away from him, leaving him standing near the front door of her condo.

"Because there is." She answered simply and ran her hand through her own curls. She'd trimmed her hair last week, up to her shoulders and he liked it. He could see more of her beautiful face, and her hair no longer hid those dimples he loved, or her collarbone he'd always kiss.

"Your hair is beautiful." He reached out to her again and this time, Kennedy didn't shy away from his touch. "You don't want to?" Drake asked her and she furrowed her dark brows, misunderstanding him. "You said you don't want to believe me, why"?

After a pause of silence, Kennedy nodded, "Yes, I did. It seemed like you were getting pretty cozy, pretty serious with that Bernice girl." She gave him a half answer. "So Im tired of believing your bullshit lies Aubrey. So, I went on a couple of dates, nothing as serious as flying him out to Perth for vacation but we kissed, we talk almost everyday."

"I needed company, you were mad about the party. You were having meetings every week, you even sent every gift back. I didn't want to bother you, I thought you needed space". Drake removed his jacket and tossed it over the arm of her suede love seat, which he then made himself comfortable on. He patted his lap, although she missed having him near, she stood anyways.

[Complete] Now & Forever: Drake and Nicki MinajDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora