Chapter Thirty One

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Kennedy Onika "Nicki" Maraj

Twenty-Eight years ago, a beautiful little girl was born on the Caribbean Island of Trinidad, and I am proud to say that the little girl is now a beautiful woman.

It was my birthday, which happened to be my most favorite day of the entire year. I didn't really have any extravagant events planned due to the pregnancy, but I did want to spend the day with the people I loved the most. I woke up so happy this morning, and was determined to keep that smile on my face-no matter what.

I pulled the covers away from my naked body, grabbing my silk robe from my closet door. I knew it had to be at least 7:00 am, since the sun seemed to just be rising. Aubrey wasn't in bed, but I did smell something cooking- so I figured that he was downstairs playing chef.

I made sure to do a quick morning routine before grabbing my phone to check the dozens of text messages and phone calls I'd received annually. As I walked downstairs, I smiled while reading text messages from a few people.

I felt so loved, more loved than any other day.

I quickly locked my phone as my eyes landed on my dining room table. Two dozens of white roses sat in between three Chanel bags, and an over-sized birthday card. I ran over to the table in awe, picking up the card to read it.

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. Your spirit enlightens me throughout my toughest times, and you smile brings joy throughout cloudy days. Enjoy your 28th baby, and I'm forever wishing you many more. Love you, my Queen.

-Your King, Aubrey.

"Happy Birthday baby". I heard Aubrey's deep voice come from the kitchen area, causing me to turn around.

He stood by the door smiling, as I let my tears get the best of me. I ran over to him, as he pulled me into a tight hug. "What are you crying for"? I shrugged, "It's the hormones, thank you so much baby".

"Anything for you, it's your day". He said, while wiping my tears. "It's just- I spent my last birthday arguing with my ex and in a real unhappy predicament. A year later, I'm with the love of my life and carrying his child. I'm just so happy, it makes me cry".

He laughed, "I feel the same way". I smiled, "What did you cook"? He grabbed my hand, leading me into the kitchen.

There were platters of pancakes, waffles, french toast, eggs, turkey bacon, and fruits. Orange juice, apple juice, and water were in glasses on the counter top, and there was also a variety a syrup flavors for the food.

"You made all of this babe"? He shook his head, "Yeah, I've been up since 5 something preparing everything. I just want to take some stress off of your shoulders, and allow you to enjoy this day". I smiled, kissing his lips.

Yesterday was my first official Doctor's appointment, and of course- Aubrey was more excited than me. Though I was happy about becoming a mother, there were still so many sacrifices to be made. We had to pick a place to live, and California was weighing heavy on my mind. Don't get me wrong, California seems like a beautiful place to raise a child- but I'm a New York girl.

Not only was there the living situation, but work was very important too. I knew that I'd forever be in good hands, financially, if things were left up to Aubrey- but I was very independent. I was dealing with all of this, but revealing the news to everyone brought a little joy. My mother was so happy for us, and Caiah just thought that it'd be cool to say that Drake would be his brother. I'd even gotten the chance to meet Aubrey's father, who actually captured my heart in a few moments of our conversation. He seemed so welcoming, and just seemed like a real person- much like Aubrey's mother.

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