Chapter Thirty Six

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Aubrey "Drake" Graham.

I leaned against the wall, watching Kennedy go over all of her plans for our bedroom in the new house. She's been going on and on about the way she wanted the house to be decorated, ever since we made it official and bought the house. Even though she had no financial input, I still refer to it as 'we'. Kennedy and I are one, what's mine has always been hers and will always be hers.

"I really want the Sanctuary Silver Leaf Upholstered Bed, it reminds me of a royal family". I smiled, watching her scroll through images on her MacBook Pro. "You're going to let this house be the death of you, you've been up all night collecting images. Let's leave all of this to the interior designer".

She sighed, closing the MacBook and sitting it on the night stand next to her. After minutes of standing against the wall, I finally made a full entrance into the room, sitting on the bed next to Kennedy.

"I know you're excited for new beginnings, but don't exhaust yourself. Let's not rush this, everything will be handled when the time is right". She sighed, laying her head on to my chest.

"I know it will, it's just so much to do and I feel like I'm the only one who's even focused on it. I know the home is ours and we have time, but I can't help that I'm excited. On top of that, I have to work on finding a place to open a shop. While balancing it all, I still
have to balance being a soon-to-be mother and a fiancé to you".

I smiled, running my hand through her hair. "Years ago, no one could have ever told me I would end up like this. When I first got into this, I had no value for anything. When money came in, I blew it on whatever I wanted at the moment. Any woman I saw, I had sex with her with no intentions of a future between the two of us. I never imagined that, I'd be one of the greatest artist of the generation, but I took the title and wore it well. Life itself is stressful, but I push through. I am an image of you, just as you are an image of me. I want you to take all the good shit and make it something great".

She looked up at me smiling, "In a short amount of time, we'll find out what we're bringing into this world. No matter what's going on in the business world, God is offering us a blessing in our personal life".

"I have a question". Kennedy blankly stated. "What is it?"

She hesitated for a moment, but eventually continued. "Even after all of the fame, the fans, and the money.. Do you sometime wish you could trade it all in just to live a normal life for once"?

I nodded my head, "Of course I do. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to Toronto to spend time with my mother without having to worry about that one long-distant cousin only coming over to ask for money. I wish I could take it back to the days when the guys and I were just some clueless kids wandering around the city. There's plenty of days I've wanted to give all of this shit up, but I saw good in every situation. This shit takes a toll on your life, but there's pros at the same time, you know"?

"It's understandable, but I'm still getting use to this. I don't want to stress you or cause any tension, but I just wonder so much. I know that God brought us together for a reason, but I don't think that reason has been revealed yet".

Secretly, I enjoyed moments like this. Moments when we could just enjoy each other and really express what's been on our minds.

Not only that but she always gave me the best advice and a peace of mind.

"Have you started looking for a shop yet?" I asked and she nodded.

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