☆N i n e t e e n☆

365 12 1

Jordyn Bell

When I wake up, I immediately notice a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon on the nightstand next to me. Alongside was a small blue piece of paper, which I grab.


Went out to get some stuff, but here's some breakfast. The door is still locked but don't try to bang on it or get out, or anything - be a good girl. I'm trusting you here babe, don't do the wrong thing.

Love, Skate

I cringe at the love part and crumble the note, throwing it over my head. The only important thing I had learned from the note was that Skate wasn't here and I had a chance to maybe find my way out of here. Sweet or not, I was still kidnapped and I needed to escape. I was surprised he had told me he left, he's obviously not the smartest kidnapper.

I first go up the stairs to check that the door is actually locked and it is. I then resort to looking around the room for some type of secret door or exit - actually I don't know what I'm looking for. Something, just something, that could give me an ounce of hope for an escape route.

I start walking around the room while nibbling on a piece of bacon - hey I was still hungry - looking for anything that could be of use to me. Besides the closet full of towels and bed sheets and the main door leading upstairs that was locked, there were no other doors in the room. Since it was simply decorated, it was pretty obvious to see that there was no way out of this place.

I notice a random black curtain hanging on the wall and I raise my eyebrows. It's up high on the wall and I jump up to try and open it. And behind it is my lifesaver. A window. A small window to the outside world and out of this place.

Immediately I look for two things, something to climb on top of to get up and out of the window and something to break it with in case it's locked. There were no chairs or anything to stand on, my best bet would be the bed which was across the room. How was I supposed to escape out of a window I couldn't even reach?

I become dejected yet again, knowing that a way out was just right above me yet I couldn't get to it. But maybe I could get someone to let me out. When I throw a bottle of shampoo at it, the window breaks easily and I soon start my yelling. For the racket I was making, I knew someone would hear me in no time.

I don't know how long I had been screaming help for when I heard footsteps running down the stairs. Apparently my cries had produced the one person I absolutely did not want help from.

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