☆ T h i r t y - F i v e ☆

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Jordyn Bell

"Guys, this is my girl Jordyn." Skate says creating circles on my palm with my thumb. I have to fight off my urge to grin like an idiot when he calls me his girl.

"Nice to meet you." The one with the platinum hair says getting up from the couch, revealing his tall height and coming to shake my hand. "I'm Sammy." I smile at him as the skinny one with the light blonde head comes up beside him.

"I'm Jack." He tells me and I nod. "But I go by Johnson."

"Why Johnson?" I wonder making Skate chuckle beside me.

"Cause my name's Jack too." The dark haired one says from the couch.

"Then what do you go by?"

"Whatever floats your boat." He says lifting one side of his mouth up into a smirk. Alright.

"Babe, Sam and I are going to practice our new song." Skate tells me turning to Sam who nods and heads into the recording booth. "J, you got our track?"

Johnson nods and Skate heads into the recording booth as well putting on a pair of headphones and winking at me. I smile at him while Johnson sits down in front of the soundboard and twists a few knobs, I'm not really sure what. But I hear music start to play and Skate starts to rap.

As soon as words start to drift from his mouth, the world has become a blur and all I can see and hear is Skate rapping. He talks about a girl, as most raps do, and he glances over at me many time while he sings and I stare at him watching him do what he loves.

"He's pretty good huh?" I hear a voice ask and my Skate trance is interrupted. I see Jack looking at me and I nod.

"He's amazing." I agree.

"Come sit." Jack says patting the spot next to him on the couch. I see Skate raise his eyebrows but continue to rap when I go to sit on the couch and I shrug sitting next to Jack. Skate would want me to get along with his friends anyways.

"How old are you again?" He asks.

"16." I answer quickly and that's when I realize my birthday isn't too far away, a week actually. Wow.

"You're just a little girl." Jack says laughing and I blush. I always forget that Skate is 25, he looks younger and acts younger. I'm guessing Jack is around his age, and that means that I'm in the studio with guys almost 10 years older than me. But it doesn't matter, after all Skate is perfect the way he is. "A very gorgeous little girl." He says letting his eyes drag from my shoes all the way up back to my eyes.

"Why thank you." I say to his compliment.

"So let me guess, you're a converse over vans girl?"

"100 percent."

Jack shakes his head. "No no no."

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