This Party Sucks!

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Chapter One: This Party Sucks!


I never saw myself as crazy mad popular, okay scrap that. No one ever thought I'd be crazy mad popular, oh how they were wrong. Well when I started off on my journey to make new friends without actually physically coming into contact with people, I never intended for my life to blow up as the young children say. Not like in an action movie that's full of explosions where all the bad guys get wiped out, more like a firework.

You know when you light it and it gets half way before burning out and suddenly you feel gloomy, and then you approach said firework and as you bend down it explodes in your face, and you and your friends are taken by surprise. That's the type of explosion that happened to my popularity. Though no one was disfigured or burnt in my story, well as far as I know.

Enough talk of fireworks, ain't nobody got time for that. Now where was I? I decided to take my first step into the unknown during a god awful New Years Eve party at my friend Lauren's house. The date is December 31st ,2012, there are less than twenty minutes until the New Year. It had been a tradition that every year since year 10, about ten or twelve of us would invade her house for the night and get wasted off cheap alcohol and count down the New Year together. In the morning, her dad would make us bacon sandwiches which were delicious and an excellent cure for your first hangover. I liked my friends don't get me wrong, I've been in the same friendship circle since year 7, but sometimes you outgrow your friends and you know that the time has come to venture out alone and meet new people.

I got as far as Omegle, it connects you with a random person around the world and you can talk one on one in the text box or if you're feeling brave you can video each other. Though I've gone through my fair share of naked middle age men thrusting their hips at the camera, some things I'll never be able to scrub from my mind. Omegle in my eyes is just a dirtier and uncensored version of Skype; Omegle is the strange cousin that no one ever invites to parties.

For Christmas, my parents had splurged out and bought me a brand new DSLR camera which I'd been dreaming of and begging them for months to buy me. See I'm dead into my photography and if I want to take my picture taking anywhere then I needed a professional camera. I don't know if this really has anything to do with me surfing Omegle at 11:40pm in my friend's dining room, which was the only quiet spot in the entire house. The camera does play a big part let me just make that clear just not in this context.

I'd just had the displeasure of seeing a man doing unspeakable things to himself through my webcam and a part of me was afraid to accept the next person who popped up on my screen. Their username was Mike Wood, though it was more than likely their real name, yes the blatant innuendo hadn't alluded me which was why my finger hovered over the accept button. From the other side of the wall, I could hear that my drunken friends had started singing karaoke, I shivered at the thought of singing in front of people even if I was slightly tipsy. It took a lot of drink to make me embarrass myself. In my momentary distraction I heard someone cough, I looked around the room in confusion before my eyes homed in on the screen. I'd hit accept when I was listening to the bad singing, the guy on the screen though wasn't that bad on the eyes.

'Not what you were expecting love?'

Oh good god he speaks, did he just call me love? Why I was slightly turned on by that I couldn't answer you. I needed to reply before he thought I was a nutter and moved onto the next person in the queue.

'Well, I don't fancy describing what the last guy was doing over his webcam.'

Seriously that's what my mind came up with, no wonder I couldn't meet new people, I even struggled online. But to my surprise, the guy chuckled, did he find me funny? No one found my funny, strange and quirky but never funny. He repositioned his laptop so that I could see more of him on my screen. I didn't have a type when it came to guys but if I did then this guy would be the one for me. Even in the dim lighting I could make out his vivid brown eyes, his hair was brown and short most likely straightened and he had a fringe over the left side of his face, I didn't think I liked fringes but he pulled it off to a tee.

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now