Home Sweet Home

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Chapter Seventeen: Home Sweet Home



I couldn't believe how fast this tour had gone, tonight was already the last night and we were back in London. Home sweet home as I liked to call it. The fans had been amazing, coming out in thousands to see Dan and Phil fool around on stage and to meet one another.

The meet and greets were probably my favourite, not just because I got to take official photos, but because I actually got to meet the fans who supported mine and Dan's relationship as well as being fans of me and my photography. Plus I got some amazing fan art, which I promised to display with pride.

I was in front of the stage crouched down as to not block the fans sitting in the front row with Sarah by my side. She wasn't taking pictures but decided to keep me company. This was the first time she got to see the show and it was fun to watch her reactions and hear her laugh along with the fans in the crowd like she was one of them. The only difference was that she was dating Phil and got to go home with him at the end of the night.

Sarah wasn't the only person here tonight supporting Dan and Phil. Currently, side stage was Rachel, Chris, PJ, and Louise so it was a nice reunion at the end of the tour. However, there was something different in the air. I didn't know if it was because this was the final show, but people seemed to be acting differently around me all day long.

Dan and Phil had just performed their final song which had the crowd on their feet. But Dan and Phil walk back on stage holding microphones which weren't normal. Maybe they were going to address the crowd or something; this was the last show after all.

"Thank you so much guys for coming out to support us, we love you so much. But Dan has a question he wants to ask a certain someone."

I look over at Sarah seeing if she knew what Phil was yapping on about, but she avoided eye contact and shuffled away from me to go join the others side stage. Dan steps forwards and clears his throat.

"Jasmine, can you come up on stage please?"

A security guard helps me up onto the stage, my camera still resting around my neck. The crowd cheer, I kind of preferred being down in the pit area not the centre of attention.

"Err Dan, what are you doing?"

Next thing I know Dan's getting down on one knee causing the audience to gasp loudly before silence fills the theatre, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I thought Dan was joking until he took a black box out of this trouser pocket and popped it open revealing a rather nice ring.

"I know I only gave you that promise ring not so long ago, but getting to spend all this time together on the road only cements how I feel about you and I know you're the only girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. Jasmine, will you marry me?"

I was stunned to silence for the next couple of minutes, this was a lot to deal with and the obvious silence was killing Dan. He was most likely thinking this was my way of rejecting him in front of hundreds of eager fans, the majority had their cameras out and were filming.

I loved Dan, there was no real reason why I should reject him. He was the perfect guy. It looked like I had my answer.

"Sorry for the little wait, this was quite unexpected Daniel but yes I will marry you."

The audience erupts into loud cheers and whoops. Dan smiles and places the ring on my finger while Phil looks over the scene like a doting and proud father. I pull Dan back to his feet and squeeze him tight.

"That would have been so awkward if I said no Dan."

He chuckles, "luckily you didn't. I love you so much, Jasmine."

Omegle Boy (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire) Bk 2: Fantastic Foursome SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now